November 2021 Horoscopes: Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus

november 2021 horoscopes

November 2021 Horoscopes: Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus

november 2021 horoscopes

Kaitlyn De Leonardis

Your November 2021 horoscopes have some surprises in store. As the Sun, Mercury and Mars move through deep and empathetic Scorpio, they’ll all oppose Uranus. It starts with the new moon in Scorpio on November 4, which will be in exact opposition to the planet of “expect the unexpected.” While Uranus is known to shake things up, these influences are more of a build-up. The real awakening happens with the full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus in the latter half of the month.  

In other news, Mercury is officially out of its retrograde shadow and is moving full speed ahead. Last month, we might have felt a push to move forward while being unable to do so. Now, we’ll start to feel the momentum pick up day by day. Mercury has two transits this month, Scorpio on November 5 and Sagittarius on November 24. Just as one personal planet is gaining speed, another one is slowing down. Venus enters Capricorn on November 5 as well, where she’ll be residing until next year thanks to her upcoming retrograde. 

Slowing down isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Towards the end of November, her lackadaisical pace locks the planet of love and beauty into a sextile with Mars the planet of passion. This easy and free-flowing aspect will make the Thanksgiving holiday an extra special one!

The main event, of course, is the full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus on November 19 which marks the start of the fall/winter eclipse season. On a collective level, our world is going to shift based on a change in values or the way we attach our worth to money.

November 2021 Horoscopes Important Dates:

New Moon in Scorpio on November 4: An emotional new beginning with a plot twist.

Mercury Transits Scorpio on November 5: We are more than ready for the fresh start the new moon brings. We’ll have the mental stamina and intuition to stay one step ahead of the curve. 

Venus transits Capricorn on November 5: We’ll be connecting to our aspirations in a new light. Pay attention to what transpires this month, because it will give us important insight into what Venus’s upcoming retrograde will bring up next month.  

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on November 19: A big change relating to our self-worth, values and finances. The effects of this eclipse will be felt for the next six months.

Sun Transits Sagittarius on November 21: It’s officially Sagittarius season, a time to explore and expand our typical way of thinking.

Mercury Transits Sagittarius on November 24: Knowledge is power and we have a lot to learn as long as we pay attention to what’s transpiring in our individual lives.  

november 2021 horoscopes
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus l Photo by Ahsan Avi

Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

Happy Birthday! Your season is certainly about to get a whirlwind of a fresh start with the new moon in your sign on November 4. This is your annual death and rebirth. What will transform you into your ideal self? Don’t go looking for it in others or even ask their opinions. With your new moon in dead opposition to Uranus, it will just make things complicated. Mercury moves into your sign on the following day, and you’ll want to further establish your independence, especially when it comes to decision-making. Venus also moves into Capricorn on this day and adds sweet undertones to your words. If single, you might meet someone out on the town. Share your thoughts with others as Mercury and Venus align this weekend, you have some wisdom to offer.  

Mercury and Mars meet up on November 9 and you’ll make a change to your appearance. Something that helps you feel more like the new you! However, an older family member may have something to say about it when these two square Saturn the next day. Try not to let their opinion get to you. When the Sun aligns with Neptune on November 12, there is a fancy-free vibe to this weekend. This is a call to “do you,” so don’t feel guilty for canceling plans you aren’t thrilled about. As Mercury opposes Uranus the next day, follow your bliss. 

Your feelings may be extra fragile when the Sun clashes with Jupiter on November 15. Try not to blow up on anyone, especially those you care about. There may be an issue that needs resolving within a partnership as Mars opposes Uranus on the following day, and things could take an unexpected turn. The full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus is happening in your relationship zone. Big changes are on the horizon and it’s all leading to your destiny. Your season draws to a close on November 21 when the Sun moves into Sagittarius. This is a total confidence booster and you’ll feel like you’re on fire (in a good way). With Venus in a fabulous aspect to Mars for the rest of the month, charm is your superpower. 

Mercury moves into Sagittarius on November 24 and turns your attention to the more practical matters of this house, your finances. At this time, you may be preparing to make a big purchase or starting a side hustle to bring in more cash. Thanksgiving should go over smoothly with that Venus-Mars sextile. Mars trines Neptune on November 28, so do get out and have some fun before the month is over. Mercury and Sun will meet up and find themselves in a favorable aspect to Saturn. You end this month feeling like the badass you are! Bold and sure of yourself, you’ll be ready to tackle the world.

Sagittarius  (Nov 22 – Dec 21)   

The Scorpio new moon on November 4 is the perfect time to withdraw from the world. If it’s feasible, take a mental health day. With this new moon opposing Uranus, your typical routine could cause a breakdown. It’s best to take a breather and focus on your own needs. Even when you return to your daily life, you’ll want to make sure you’re getting adequate rest as Mercury moves into Scorpio on November 5. Venus also departs your sign and enters Capricorn on this day, prompting you to do more of what you value. The two planets will be in a delightful aspect all weekend, so plan a spa day or a last-minute getaway. Anything that helps you escape the norm. 

Mercury and Mars meet up on November 9 and both end up in an intense angle to Saturn for the next couple of days. If repressed feelings come up, don’t project them onto others; constructively deal with them. The Sun trines Neptune on November 12, bringing your emotional self back to solid ground. However, on November 15, the Sun challenges your ruler Jupiter and it’s best to release your feelings. But, again, try your best to avoid bottling them up. It may feel impossible to get anything done with Mars opposite Uranus for the next few days, so don’t put too much pressure on yourself.  

There is a full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus on November 19, completely switching up your daily routine. You may decide to leave your job to pursue entrepreneurship or have to switch up your lifestyle due to health concerns. You’ll be changing your day-to-day in a big way. The Sun moves into your sign on November 21, and around this time, you’ll be feeling like yourself again. Venus and Mars end up in a sextile for the remainder of the month so the self-care won’t be stopping any time soon. This is some “treat yourself” energy. ‘Tis your season, after all! 

Mercury enters your sign on November 24, so you’ll be extra expressive, even more than usual. Try not to take it over-the-top and let others get a word in too, especially at Thanksgiving dinner the next day. Mars forms a harmonious aspect to Neptune on November 28, so keep the holiday spirit going. This is prime time for a gathering with friends. Everyone will get a hoot out of being in your presence as Mercury and Sun meet up and form a favorable aspect to Saturn. Admit it, you love being the center of attention. It’s your birthright as a fire sign.

Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

Say yes if you get a chance to meet some new people on November 4 with the new moon in Scorpio. With this lunation in opposition to Uranus, it may be challenging to loosen up and enjoy yourself around unfamiliar acquaintances. If you go out this evening, remember that being authentic helps attract the right people. First impressions get a whole lot easier on the following day, when Mercury moves into Scorpio and suddenly everyone in the room is hanging on your every word. Coupled with Venus’s move into your sign, others will find you exceptionally captivating. These planets will be in a significant aspect all weekend, making it a prime time to network. 

Mercury and Mars meet up on November 9 and you’ll be feeling like the ringleader. Just watch for a tendency to go off the rails when trying to impress others, it may look like you’re flaunting your money with both of them in a jarring aspect to your ruler, Saturn. The Sun aligns with Neptune on November 12, and this weekend is a great time to strengthen your social media game. Put your best foot forward and “rebrand” your profiles. The Sun aligns with Jupiter on November 15 and you could be prone to scams or theft if you’re not careful with your money. Mars opposes Uranus on the following day, opening you up to fresh experiences. It’s always nerve-wracking to try something new, but chances are you’ll like it. 

The full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus on November 19 will hit your romance sector. Around this time, a fling could turn serious or fizzle out. If you don’t have anyone on your radar, that might change, and coupled Capricorns could be reviving the romance in established relationships. The Sun moves into Sagittarius on November 21 and brings with it some chill vibes. Adding to the euphoric atmosphere is a Venus-Mars sextile which will last until the end of the month. If you work in social media, you could go viral or join a new circle that you truly connect to.

Mercury follows the Sun into Sagittarius on November 24, and while this is your time to be in the public eye, it’s also a time to disconnect. Make sure you save some time for yourself. On November 28, Mars aligns with Neptune and you may be given complete control over a project at work. Mercury and Sun meet up on this day too, so you’ll for sure want to use the next couple of days to relax. Doing so has you feeling refreshed and ready to step up to the plate with Saturn on the receiving end of the Sun-Mercury conjunction to close out the month. You’ll be the person everyone turns to to get the job done, just the way you like it. 

Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)

With the new moon in Scorpio on November 4, you’ll be making some revisions to your goals. This lunation is in dead opposition to your ruler Uranus, so it could involve your home and family life. Whether it’s buying a house or making a conscious effort to revive current familial relations, this is a new frontier in your personal life. Mercury moves into Scorpio the following day and your preparation stage can officially begin. Venus is also making a move into Capricorn, and the two will be in a positive aspect all weekend. Take it easy and get lost in your daydreams. It helps with manifesting your goals. 

Mercury and Mars meet up on November 9 and you’ll be ready to take action when it comes to turning your dreams into reality. Unfortunately, they are met with a blaring aspect to your secondary ruler Saturn, making you hyper-aware of how self-imposed limitations hold you back from success. They gotta go! The Sun aligns with Neptune on November 12 and you’ll feel confident in your trajectory once more. Don’t let the opinion of someone else get you down when Mercury opposes Uranus the next day. 

You may have to take some expectations down a notch as the Sun faces off with Jupiter on November 15. Mars opposes Uranus over the next couple of days, and you’ll become quite sensitive to the world around you. So don’t be too surprised if you have an emotional outburst or two. A rarity for your calm and collected sign.  

The full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus on November 19 inspires you to get in touch with your deep feelings and turn them into the force that drives you. The Sun moves into Sagittarius on November 21 and you’ll thrive while gathering with others. Enjoy the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. Venus and Mars form a supportive angle and give you the moxie to go after what you truly desire. Their influence is strong until the end of the month, so expect to make great strides in this short time window.

Mercury follows the Sun into Sagittarius on November 24 and for the next couple of weeks, you’ll be conversing with a lot of people. You may have several holiday affairs to attend and with Mercury here, you’ll have the bandwidth to show up for all of them. Mars trines Neptune on November 28 and you could be rewarded for all your hard work in a way you didn’t see coming. The Sun and Mercury also meet up, leading to some social burnout for the next couple of days. On November 30, they’ll instigate a helpful aspect with Saturn, so bring your attention within. Take time to recharge your battery. 

Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20) 

You may adopt a more contemporary belief or core value under the new moon in Scorpio on November 4. This could spark from a simple conversation as the Sun and Moon sit directly opposite Uranus. Without warning, you’ll change the way you react to the world around you. On the following day, Mercury enters Scorpio and amplifies your curiosity. Dive deep into a subject you’re passionate about. Venus moves on to Capricorn too, making this a great time to meet others who share your interest. Start by connecting with people online as Mercury and Venus form a superior alignment all weekend.

Mercury catches up to Mars on November 9 and this new subject of interest could become an obsession. Don’t neglect your personal needs as these two fall into a harsh angle with Saturn. On November 12, the Sun aligns with your ruler Neptune making you ultra self-aware. Focus on yourself and your inner workings this weekend. There may be some distractions as Mercury opposes Uranus the following day. Deal with them and return to your center. 

On November 15, the Sun initiates a problematic aspect with Jupiter creating a momentary existential crisis. You’ll question everything you know and may feel the drive to seek answers in other people as Mars opposes Uranus. However, this energy will pass, so hold tight and stick to your guns. 

A full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus takes place on November 19 and you’ll crave a change of scenery. You could start planning a big move, either to a new neighborhood or a different state. Start doing the research. Goals come into play as the Sun moves in Sagittarius on November 21 and it’s time to get serious about actually “living the dream.” Venus and Mars form a harmonious alignment too, giving a greater sense of purpose to all your relationships. For the rest of the month, your social life is thriving. 

Mercury transits Sagittarius on November 24, and the next couple of weeks are all about your game plan. What’s it going to take to get to where you want to go? Neptune receives some fervent energy from Mars on November 28, so you’ll feel tremendously empowered at this time. The Sun and Mercury also meet up, and this could make you a bit pompous. Check your ego at the door. When Saturn ends up in a harmonious alignment with these two, remember to express gratitude. It helps attract more abundance your way.      

Aries  (Mar 21 – Apr 20)   

The action starts with the new moon in Scorpio on November 4, which will inspire you to be a little more vulnerable. With this lunation in opposition to Uranus, be transparent. It will open some new doors. On the following day, Mercury aligns with Venus as they both make moves. Mercury hightails it into Scorpio and Venus moves into Capricorn. Get honest with yourself and others about where you want to be.

Around November 9, Mercury meets up with Mars and they both find themselves in a challenging angle to Saturn. Be mindful of how you express yourself in a group setting this week. You could ruffle the wrong feathers. Some alone time may be called for this weekend as the Sun opposes Neptune on November 12. Get lost in your daydreams; they’ll take you to some amazing places. Around November 16, it could be difficult for others to see or support your grand vision. Use your radical self-confidence to push through with Mars opposing Uranus.  You can make it happen on your own. 

A full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus on November 19 is a game-changer and you may gain access to resources you didn’t know existed. The Sun moves into Sagittarius on November 21, which will bring you the gusto to forge ahead. On the same day, Venus aligns with your ruler Mars for an extra-long sextile, lighting your inner fire. Go for the gold. Mercury transits Sagittarius on November 24 and over the next couple of weeks, you’ll have the capacity to retain a great amount of information. It may be time to learn a new trick in your trade. 

On November 28, Mars ends up at a nice angle to Neptune. Loosen your grip on your career goals and take this moment to step back. You may be surprised by what comes your way when you let go of the reins. The following day, Mercury gets together with the Sun and they both form a power aspect to Saturn. Under this alignment, you may find the mentor of your dreams. If you’re already established, it may be you who steps into this role. No matter the circumstance, you have a great amount of knowledge to bestow and so much more to learn. 

Taurus (Apr 21 – May 20) 

The new moon in Scorpio on November 4 marks a whole new chapter in your love life. Expect some radical changes as this lunation connects to Uranus in your sign. Don’t be afraid to speak up or set boundaries because it all comes down to the future you see for yourself. Mercury shifts into Scorpio on the following day and expressing yourself becomes a natural reflex over the next couple of weeks. Your ruler Venus also moves into Capricorn on November 5, which will have you searching for the deeper meaning of life. This is a good time to get involved in an activity that gives you a greater sense of purpose as Mercury sextiles Venus all weekend. 

Mercury catches up to Mars on November 9. Passions will flare, however, both are met with a stern alignment to Saturn and it may not be the good kind. You might feel that someone close doesn’t support a dream of yours. Keep your cool, it may just be some tough love. Get together with friends on November 12. The Sun aligns with Neptune and both are in the social sectors of your chart. A conversation you have will open your mind. You’ll be thinking about it well into the next day as Mercury opposes Uranus.

There could be some interpersonal conflicts as Mars opposes Uranus on November 16. Try not to view your aspirations through the lens of others, as the Sun aligns with Jupiter too. Instead, aim to make all interactions constructive. You’ll mellow out as Venus trines Uranus on November 18. The full moon lunar eclipse is in your sign on the following day. This marks a big personal shift for you. Whether you switch up your look or change the way you treat yourself, you’ll start to feel more at home in your own skin. 

There’s a hater alert on November 20 when Mercury aligns with Jupiter and someone is uber jealous of you. You’ll be able to sense who it is when the Sun moves into Sagittarius on the following day. Expect to uncover a lot of secrets over the coming month. 

An important relationship may take up most of your time the week of November 22. Venus and Mars are aligned until the end of the month and it will be truly uplifting. You may come to find you share a lot of similar values. When Mercury transits Sagittarius on November 24, you won’t be able to hold back your feelings. Show your softer side over the next couple of weeks. The month ends as Neptune joins forces with Mars on November 28, bringing you to cloud nine status. Mercury and Sun meet up too and find themselves in a supportive angle to Saturn. It’s nice to have someone on your team who sees your grand vision. 

Gemini (May 21 – Jun 20)

The new moon in Scorpio on November 4 will incite a change you’ve wanted to make for a while. You may be accepting a new job or getting super serious about your health. Whatever this new beginning brings, it will require a “learning phase.” Prepare for a rigorous training program or some independent research. The next day, your ruler Mercury enters Scorpio which will give you the energy to follow through over the next couple of weeks. Venus moves into Capricorn on the same day and with your curiosity, no stone will be left unturned in your new endeavor. Use this weekend to start the education process when both of these planets are in a supportive alignment.

Mercury and Mars meet up on November 9 and you’ll have the pedal to the metal when it comes to gathering necessary info. Both will find themselves in a serious aspect to Saturn the next day. All work and no rest leads to burnout. Make sure you implement some much-needed breaks this week. A long-term goal may be so close you can taste it on November 12 when the Sun trines Neptune. Use their influence to seal the deal.  

However, on November 15, the Sun will fall into a less than favorable aspect with Jupiter. This might challenge a personal belief. It’s best to take a breather from all the hard work as Mars opposes Uranus the next day. On November 18, Mercury trines Neptune and you’ll find the inspiration to continue forward once more. 

A change in mindset may be called for under the full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus on November 19. It’s the start of a profound death and rebirth process and shedding your old skin will feel invigorating. When the Sun moves along to Sagitarrius on November 21, it’s time to shift your focus to essential relations for the next couple of weeks. Venus aligns with Mars for the remainder of the month and you’ll finally be able to put your newfound knowledge into action with ease. 

Mercury enters Sagittarius on November 24, and if you’ve been MIA lately, expect the calls from concerned friends and loved ones to come pouring in. Take time out to talk to them. This Thanksgiving holiday, you’ll feel extra close to your loved ones. Mars connects with Neptune on November 28 and you’ll likely check a goal off your list.  Mercury conjuncts the Sun and both form a delightful aspect to Saturn. This brings a more serious tone to a partnership, be it business or romantic, things will be heading in your desired direction.  

Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

Under the new moon in Scorpio on November 4, you may desire more romance in your life or a new artistic project. This marks the start of it. With this lunation in opposition to Uranus, don’t fall prey to wishful thinking. Just act on your inspiration without expectations. When Mercury enters Scorpio on November 5, you’ll be ultra-focused on anything that brings joy to your life. With Venus’ move into Capricorn on the same day, this is a rather auspicious weekend for love and partnerships, as both planets form a supportive aspect. Spend time with a special someone or get a creative collaboration in the works. 

Mercury and Mars join forces on November 9 and you’ll want to pour out all the passion that’s in your heart. But both of them fall into a stern aspect with Saturn, so just be sure to respect other people’s boundaries. With the Sun connecting to Neptune on November 12, this is a good weekend for relaxing activities. Take a luxurious bath, get a massage and or dive into a good book. Think of it as a mini-retreat from the world.

As the Sun forms a jarring aspect to Jupiter on November 15, it exposes a subconscious belief that causes more harm than good. When Mars opposes Uranus the next day, you may want to hide under a rock. However, putting yourself out there will have its benefits. The full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus on November 19 will send shockwaves through your social life. There are new and exciting people to connect with. You might blow up on social media or find your soul tribe over the next six months.

The Sun moves into Sagittarius on November 21 and you can expect a busy schedule for the next couple of weeks. Venus and Mars form an extra lovely aspect for the rest of the month, so be sure to pencil in some time for romance or creative partnerships. With Mercury’s move into Sagittarius on November 24, you can juggle it all. Mars trines Neptune on November 28 and this will be quite an enlightening day. Mercury and Sun get together and form a helpful aspect to Saturn on November 30 and you might receive some external financial assistance or a bond could reach a deeper level. The month ends on a high note.

Leo  (Jul 23 – Aug 22)

The new moon in Scorpio on November 4 brings an exciting new beginning to your home life. You might be making a big move or find out you’re expecting. Whatever it is, it’s a radical shift, one that will change life as you know it with this lunation in dead opposition to Uranus. Mercury moves into Scorpio the next day, and the planning stage can begin. Venus transits Capricorn on the same day, adding some glamour to your day-to-day life. Matters at home require some preparation and you’ll be more than excited to dive in with Mercury sextile Venus all weekend. 

There may be some trouble in paradise as Mercury catches up to Mars on November 9. Both planets will find themselves in a harsh angle to Saturn and you could get into a disagreement over this big change at home. Approach all conversations with a constructive mindset. The Sun connects with Neptune on November 12 and this is a good time to have a deep talk as you’ll be able to express yourself with ease. 

The Sun’s next point of contact is a square to Jupiter on November 15 and someone will likely project their pessimistic feelings onto you. Try not to do the same when Mars opposes Uranus on the following day. You’ve got a big heart and the world needs to see that side of you.

Under the full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus on November 19, something monumental will happen for your career. Whether you get promoted, start a new job or are unexpectedly let go, it’s all good news. The slate gets wiped clean so you can chase your dream. The Sun moves into Sagittarius on November 21 and you can go back to being the life of the party. This is also the day that Venus and Mars fall into an alignment that lasts for the rest of the month. Expect your day-to-day relations to be exceptionally pleasant. 

With Mercury’s move into Sagittarius on November 24, it’s high time to have some fun and indulge a little. Mars trines Neptune on November 28, presenting an intimate moment that touches your heart on a deeper level. The joy and passion you naturally exude is a pillar of light for all those that get close to you. It helps strengthen your relationships, especially as your ruler (the Sun) and Mercury join forces and form a favorable aspect to Saturn on November 30.

Virgo  (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

With the new moon in Scorpio on November 4, you’ll want to connect with your community on a deeper level. Perhaps you’ve just moved and are exploring a new neighborhood or seeing your old one in a different light as this lunation is in alignment with Uranus. This is a good time to get out and meet people, especially when your ruler Mercury enters Scorpio and Venus moves into Capricorn on the following day. Both planets will be in a harmonious angle to each other all weekend, making it a prime time to attract like-minded people while participating in activities you love.

Expect a busy week as Mercury and Mars meet up on November 9. For the next couple of days, they’ll both be in a jarring aspect to Saturn and the stress could really get to you. Spend time with a close friend or lover when the Sun trines Neptune on November 12, it will help you unwind from a hectic week. This is a fabulous weekend to socialize, with Mercury’s opposition to Uranus, banter can take an interesting turn.

 An issue at work could get blown out of proportion around November 15 as the Sun butts heads with Jupiter. When Mars opposes Uranus on the following day, don’t be afraid to speak up. With all this third house energy, your communication skills are on point and you’ll know exactly how to mediate.  

The full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus on November 19 will substantially alter your beliefs.  It’s time to release the old ones and establish some new ones. The Sun enters Sagittarius on November 21 shifting your focus to home and family. This week has a joyful and vibrant energy, as Venus and Mars form a perfect alignment until the end of the month. Good vibes follow wherever you go.

Mercury follows the Sun into Sagittarius on November 24 and you’ll be reconnecting with close friends and family over the next couple of weeks. Thanksgiving should be extra pleasant this year, especially if you haven’t been together in a while. The Sun and Mercury meet up on November 28, and this might inspire a home improvement project. With Mars trine Neptune, you’ll want to enlist the help of someone else, whether it’s a partner/friend. You’ll likely be happy with the results as Saturn forms a stellar alignment to the Mercury-Sun conjunction to end the month.  

Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22) 

Alright Libra, the new moon in Scorpio on November 4 falls in your money zone. With this lunation in opposition to Uranus, a side hustle could really take off or you might be re-budgeting and paying off debts. Mercury moves into Scorpio the next day and money is the motive over the next couple of weeks. Your ruler Venus also makes transit into Capricorn and your fourth house of home. With these two planets in a favorable alignment all weekend, family will be your greatest support system. Make sure you spend some time with them.  

Mercury and Mars meet up on November 9 making you prone to overspending. It’s no secret you enjoy a life of luxury, but when these two fall into a harsh angle with Saturn, you’ll regret dropping serious cash on a whim. Be strict with yourself. When the Sun aligns with Neptune on November 12, it’s okay to spend a little as long as it benefits your health or day-to-day life. 

Your infamous self-confidence will be among the missing around November 15 as the Sun squares Jupiter. When Mars opposes Uranus the next day, you’ll realize that this feeling is due to repressed emotions from the past. Do your best to release them.  By the time Venus lines up with Uranus on November 18, you’ll be in a much better mood. 

The full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus on November 19 marks a deep and personal turning point. You may have to face a few demons to do away with them once and for all. The Sun moves into Sagittarius on November 21, and over the next couple of weeks, you’ll feel a strong need to be out and about. Venus also creates a favorable alignment with Mars that will last the rest of the month. This is when you’ll take back your personal power as you’ll be seeing yourself in a new light. 

Mercury moves into Sagittarius on November 24, so get ready to boldly express yourself. Everyone at Thanksgiving dinner will want to talk to you and you’re all about it. With Mars in a favorable aspect to Neptune on November 28, you may be given an exciting new project at work. As Mercury and the Sun meet up too, you’ll jump right in. Both of them will end up in a sextile to Saturn on November 30. Who says work can’t be fun?

Enjoyed reading your November 2021 horoscopes? Let us know in the comments!

Main photo by Farzad Mohsenvand

A writer and astrologer, sustained by iced coffee, sunsets and decorating her home. For more on her services and where her insights can be found, visit