How Jupiter Will Leave its Mark on 2022

jupiter retrograde 2022

How Jupiter Will Leave its Mark on 2022

jupiter retrograde 2022

Kaitlyn De Leonardis

As always, Jupiter is doing big things! This jovial planet’s presence will dominate our skies as 2022 comes to a close. Being that Jupiter is The Great or “Greater” Benefic— bringer of fortune and expansion, this isn’t a bad deal. This planet will certainly bring back the fire we’ve all been looking for.

Jupiter has had quite a journey this year. It finally moved out of Saturn’s vicinity and into its traditional (aka ancient) home of Pisces. While this planet got a much-needed boost from being in its watery domicile, it met up with the current ruler of the fish, Neptune— for a rare alignment in the spring. Shortly after it ingressed into Aries, which was all fine and dandy, because Jupiter vibes with the fire sign energy. However, its business wasn’t finished in Pisces, and the planet’s retrograde brought him back home on October 28.

To understand just how Jupiter will leave its mark on 2022, we must reflect on the planet’s recent retrograde and the transits this buoyant makes before the year is out.

Jupiter Retrograde in 2022

Growth or efforts to expand may have felt stunted since late July, when Jupiter stationed retrograde. Things get restrictive with Jupiter retrograde and the planet’s far-reaching energy turns inward. This may have been a time of immense personal exploration, particularly surrounding identity and purpose as the planet’s four-month backwards trek moved him from the early degrees of Aries to the late degrees of Pisces. Aries represents identity, being the first sign of the zodiac and has a fiery independent spirit, while Pisces is all about the greater purpose— the final sign of the zodiac has a more passive and boundless way of looking at things.

Jupiter’s voyage has shown us what needs to be released. Since this planet re-entered its traditional home sign in late October we’ve all been learning the art of letting go in some facet of our lives. The theme of release is related to Pisces, and the twelfth house of death/rebirth.

jupiter transits 2022
Image by François from Pixabay

Jupiter Direct & the New Moon in Sagittarius

As Jupiter stations direct and starts to move forward on November 23 at 28 degrees of Pisces, it might lead to important revelations or epiphanies. People tend to get caught up in the glitz and glam of this planet, and often forget that it influences our higher mind, wisdom and new learning experiences. Once Jupiter is up and running these things may occur at a rapid pace. Furthermore, Jupiter’s last dip into Pisces activated the rare Jupiter-Neptune conjunction we saw in April of this year. As this fortunate planet moves direct we’ll see quick progress in an opportunity we seized last spring, even if the development has been somewhat slow or halted. Similarly, this could bring many a second chance to obtain a dream or make the right move. Jupiter will not remain in Pisces much longer, and there will be a short window where we reconcile the past and welcome the future. Releasing the parts of ourselves that no longer serve.

It must be noted that the new moon in Sagittarius will also occur on November 23, just as Jupiter stations direct. This is a rather auspicious day since Jupiter is the current day ruler of Sag, a bold and adventurous fire sign. Jupiter went retrograde under the new moon in Leo on July 28, putting a greater emphasis on this year’s Jupiter cycle. New moons always bring new beginnings, and these events only amplify the lessons we’ve all learned with 2022’s Jupiter retrograde. The fire element is strong, as all three fire signs have played a part. It’s been a while since we’ve had any prominent fire in our sky. This year we are collectively experiencing a confidence boost, increased creativity and the courage to make it happen.


Jupiter in Aries

The Great Benefic enters Aries for the second time this year December 20, a day before Winter Solstice. You can think of this as if New Year’s arrived 10 days early. Jupiter’s official transit into Aries is a chance to define ourselves and our mission. As 2022 draws to a close we are redefining who we are, discovering new traits, acquiring new skills and growing stronger every day. Aries is often associated with the warrior and this transit will light a fire in everyone’s hearts, and remind us just how powerful one individual can be. We’ve gained newfound wisdom and understanding of ourselves and the world from Jupiter’s path through Pisces. Now we can take action with the courage of Aries.

Jupiter in Aries brings back the spark of life to our personal lives, thus leaving its mark on 2022. Oh, what a time to be alive!

For more on how Jupiter is currently affecting you, check out your November 2022 horoscope!

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A writer and astrologer, sustained by iced coffee, sunsets and decorating her home. For more on her services and where her insights can be found, visit