Sex Tips for Straight Women from a Gay Man

Sex Tips for Straight Women from a Gay Man


By Abby Montanez and Victoria Keenan

At first, we weren’t sure what to expect when we heard about, “Sex Tips for Straight Women from a Gay Man,” but hey, we were open to it. Based on the book written by Dan Anderson and Maggie Berman, the off-broadway hit combined comedy, romance and sex as a sort of educational course for the audience, with a bit of a story. “It’s tastefully done. It pushes the envelope without being raunchy,” said producer Matt Murphy. The story explores the relationship between a gay man (Dan) and straight woman (Robyn) and how to, in the end, get the guy. unspecified3

The play starts out with Robyn, the event moderator, introducing Dan, the author of Sex Tips, as a guest of their visiting writers series. Most authors sit, explain their story, and answer questions, but Dan has a different idea. Leading Robyn and the audience on a ride through the chapters of his book, Dan fully emerses himself and the audience into the story, including hysterical demonstrations and interactions. Throughout the play, Robyn, who starts out shy and sheltered, comes into her own and learns how to land the guy, another student named Stefan.

Sex TipsResponsible for bringing the book to life, Murphy wrote the off-broadway adaptation and was first introduced to the book by his wife. “I had told my wife one of the things I really wanted to do was a funny, sex seminar and personally, I like the type of theatre where the audience can get involved. So really I was just searching for the right platform to do it on and she’s the one who told me about the book.” Referred to as “the little show that could,” the show has been running for two and a half years now and has plans for expansion. Murphy said it still sells out and is coming to cities such as Las Vegas, where it has a residence, and Tampa. “It’s rare for the topic of sex to be the topic of the room and for everyone to be on the same comfort level. This is one of the things that really attracted me to the project and why it’s become so popular.”

Murphy also explained that, “this witty and clever approach of making [the topic] of sex fun and enjoyable, was something that America wanted.” With crowds ranging from bachelorette parties, couples, single men and women to groups of friends, the play offers something for everyone and keeps the whole crowd laughing.

The New Jersey Digest is a new jersey magazine that has chronicled daily life in the Garden State for over 10 years.