What 5 Accessories Does Every Man Have to Own in Their Closets?

What 5 Accessories Does Every Man Have to Own in Their Closets?


Being a modern man is more than just going to work, paying your bills, and caring for a family. Although these are the most significant things you must do in your life as a man, you still need to look, act, and feel like a gentleman.

If we’re talking about acting and looking like a man, we certainly don’t consider modern fashion. Modern fashion may be a great idea for some, but a true gentleman will follow iconic rules and dress properly.

Trends may change yearly, but when you go to an event dressed as your ancestors used to, everyone will be stunned by your style and sense of fashion. You simply can’t make a mistake if you dress properly. A shirt with a suit, followed by amazing leather shoes, is a classic and will never be dismissed.

With great clothes come men’s accessories. Although women have a much wider range of accessory options, men still own a few that you should consider. Every man must own a few items in their closets and wear them depending on the occasion. Follow up to see what they are.

1. Wristwatches in various styles

A wristwatch is the most important man accessory. Although used for telling time back in the day, today’s wristwatch is used as a fashion statement or a status symbol. Modern smartwatches also provide a ton of information as they are connected to the internet, but we’re talking more about classical watches here.

Various events require dressing up differently. You will have a different style going to a sports game and a fund-raising gala dinner. There’s something for everyone.

Suppose you’re going on a camping trip. You’ll probably look for Gshock watches in Australia or other watch brands that provide these types of watches, but if you’re aiming for a dinner with potential investors, you’ll opt for a Rolex or another more classical brand.

2. Hats for different occasions

The 21st century is a time when hats are the least worn accessory. Back in the day, you couldn’t leave your home without wearing a hat. Different times brought different hat styles, but men always had a hat on their heads.

If you want to be stylish and keep the fashionable trend, you should get yourself a few different hats. Wear a fedora, stetson, panama, or other types of hats that will fit you perfectly. Of course, you must mind the occasion, as not every occasion allows you to wear the same type. The ones we mentioned are great, but going to a sports match, it’s best to wear a baseball hat.

3. Different ties to match different suits and outfits

A man must own more different suits and wear them frequently at important events. Some require a more sporty and relaxed approach, while others mean strictly formal dressing. When discussing the second one, you must pay close attention to the tie.

Over the shirt and under the suit, you need a tie that will go perfectly with the rest of the outfit. Match the tie with your shoes and belt, and make sure it looks great with the suit’s colors. Men will often deliver a message by wearing a tie in particular colors. If you look closely, you’ll understand what this person wanted to say.

4. Scarves for winter out and about

Going to brunch on a winter Sunday at noon means dressing for the occasion. Some men love relaxed and casual looks, while others prefer a more formal style. In both cases, a scarf will look perfect on whatever you’re wearing.

Of course, you can’t go out in a tracksuit and wear a scarf, but you won’t do that when going to brunch. Scarves are excellent to keep you warm and upgrade your overall looks. Men with scarves look like they are dominating, serious, and reliable, which is everything you want.

5. Belts for the right events

As we mentioned above, matching the tie with the belt and shoes is highly important when trying to dress perfectly. There are tons of different belts; the best part is you can pick a new one with your favorite pants every time.

The belt’s most significant part is the buckle. The buckle can make the entire style of a person. For example, you can wear the same suit, with everything exactly the same, and make a statement with the buckle that will turn your outfit from liberal to conservative.


These are the five essential man accessories that everyone must own. If you don’t have these in your closet, you must go to the store and get a few more. Every event requires a different style, and these accessories make it. Opt for more ties, belts, hats, watches, and scarves. Change them depending on the event, and always look flawless.

The New Jersey Digest is a new jersey magazine that has chronicled daily life in the Garden State for over 10 years.