Kaitlyn De Leonardis

The new year brings a renewed atmosphere. Your January 2023 horoscopes deliver some good news: By the end of the month, all planets will be moving direct. We’ll see Mars,

The new year sure won’t waste any time, and it will be one of great change and movement. The astrology of 2023 gets started with a rush of momentum. Mercury,

Well, it certainly is an eventful end to 2022— and we should expect nothing less from the cosmos! Neptune and wounded healer Chiron end their retrogrades. Jupiter transits Aries just

As always, Jupiter is doing big things! This jovial planet’s presence will dominate our skies as 2022 comes to a close. Being that Jupiter is The Great or “Greater” Benefic—

We may be amid eclipse season, but this month is a walk in the park compared to the cosmic chaos that ensued in October of 2022. The hot topics of

While the outer planets are in the midst of ending their retrogrades, Mars is gearing up for his. We’ll all feel Mars retrograde in Gemini on very personal levels. As

October is an astrologically active month, as we experience a total of 9 planetary transits, a new moon solar eclipse and the continuation of last month’s Saturn-Uranus square. Your October

According to astrology, October 2022 is a bombshell of a month. There are several major planetary transits— well 4 transits and 2 alignments if you want to get technical, on

Virgo season is in full swing and as the month starts we are all feeling this sign’s practical magic. This is backed by Venus’ move into Virgo on September 5.

Uranus loves to cause commotion among the stars and in our lives. For approximately five months out of the year this radical planet goes retrograde, and we get a chance