January 2023 Horoscopes: An End to the Retrogrades

by Kaitlyn De Leonardis
june 2023 horoscopes

The new year brings a renewed atmosphere. Your January 2023 horoscopes deliver some good news: By the end of the month, all planets will be moving direct. We’ll see Mars, Mercury and Uranus all emerge from their respective retrogrades, giving us a cosmic push forward. Now is about gaining the momentum we’ll need to get us through not only this new year but a new era of our lives. The astrology of 2023 has some major transits up ahead.

January brings increased drive and motivation, thanks to Mars in Gemini. Mental clarity and determination courtesy of Mercury in Capricorn. Topped off with the pure innovation and steady evolution of Uranus in Taurus. One by one, it’s as if the lights come back on and it feels as if our lives are back up and running in full operation.

January 2023 Horoscopes Important Dates

Venus Enters Aquarius – January 2

The holidays are over, but we are still gathering with the precious people in our lives. We’re all feeling inspired by the interesting ideas and concepts that come up in conversations. We’re connecting from a heart space while feeding our minds.

Full Moon in Cancer – January 6 

Heightened feelings and emotional release await us. Something comes to completion as we start over again. We may feel the need for a radically new direction as the Sun and Moon positively aspect Uranus. Our feelings push us to take action.

Mars Stations Direct in Gemini – January 12

Energy levels are restored. Mars has been retrograde in this must-know-it-all air sign since late October 2022. This may have been a frustrating period because like Mars, the planet of action and ambition, Gemini likes to move fast. We’ve had to slow it down and get comfortable with not having all the facts. The information we’ve obtained in our sluggish progress has helped us, and we’ll start to see this as the pace picks back up. It’s full steam ahead.

Mercury Stations Direct in Capricorn – January 18 

This recent Mercury retrograde in the determined and goal-oriented sign of Capricorn has helped us all gain a better sense of direction. Slowly but surely, we try and fail and learn. Reflecting on what works and what doesn’t have put us all in a position to achieve success.

The Sun Enters Aquarius & The New Moon in Aquarius – January 20 & January 21

Just a day after the Sun enters forward-thinking Aquarius on January 20, he meets the Moon. There is a wave of innovative energy at the start of Aquarius season. New moons initiate beginnings, and this influence will revolutionize a specific area of our lives. We are stepping into our own unique stories and seeing them from new perspectives.

Uranus Stations Direct in Taurus – January 22

Expect the unexpected. The planet of surprises breaks out of retrograde in stable Taurus. We must become comfortable with the notion of rapid change. Security may wax and wane, but our consciousness is being awakened to truly live according to our values, which may also be going through some adaptations.

Venus Enters Pisces – January 26 

Venus enters the sign of her exaltation and we all love a little more freely. Artistic visions, fantasies and idealistic dreams dance through our heads. It can become a reality, we just have to embrace the passion of Venus and the boundless possibilities of Pisces.

when does mercury retrograde end 2023

Photo by Abet Llacer


The new year begins and you feel as determined as ever to achieve success. You’ll have your eye on the prize as Venus enters Aquarius on January 2. While material gain is a great motivator, don’t forget to enjoy the process. Take a break from your conquest under the full moon in Cancer on January 6. This day makes for an ideal date night or hang-out with friends. As the Sun conjuncts Mercury on the following day, you won’t know which way is up. This weekend make sure you get a whole lot of R&R.

Mars stations direct in Gemini and your 6th house of daily routines on January 12. If work has been slow, it starts to pick-up and frustrations begin to settle. The professional path is smoother from here on out. On January 14, Venus stirs up trouble with Uranus and your plans could come apart at the seams. It’s best to do your own thing if others can’t get their schedules together. Mercury also emerges from retrograde in your sign on January 18. If you’ve been diligently working on self-improvement, you’ll start to notice the results.

The Sun enters Aquarius on January 20, while you’ve always known you have what it takes, your confidence becomes unmatched. With the new moon in this innovative air sign on the following day you might come up with a brilliant money-making scheme. Whether you decide to sell some old possessions or start a side hustle, a wave of creativity comes to your aid as Uranus stations direct on January 22. When Venus moves into Pisces on January 26 you just might make a pretty penny in this new venture. This transit is great for exposure and there is nothing like word of mouth marketing, so talk it up! For you success always seems to be looming in the distance, but by the end of this month you’ll feel it in the here and now.


You’re on top of your game as 2023 gets started, thanks to Venus’s grand entrance into your sign on January 2. You’ll be extra charismatic as you’ll get chances to showcase your talents. The Cancer full moon on January 6 calls for some radical rest. Book a spiritual or wellness retreat this weekend. Even a solo getaway will suffice, your mind and soul need some rejuvenation as Mercury meets the Sun for a cazimi.

Mars emerges from retrograde on January 12, and hits you with some creative fire. If that zest for life has been a bit dull, that changes going forward. You’ll have to deal with an annoying misunderstanding around January 14 when Venus squares off with Uranus, but there is a silver lining to it. Mercury stations direct on January 18 and brings a wave of mental clarity, the time you’ve spent reflecting will pay off in ways you couldn’t have imagined. Your season kicks off with the Sun’s move into your sign on January 20, bringing its warm vitality and confidence into your 1st house of self.

The new moon in your sign on January 21 acts like a personal new year, now is the time to make resolutions geared towards self-improvement. Your ruler Uranus comes direct on the following day and you are more than ready for some revolutionary changes in your life. Venus dances into Pisces on January 26 and you’re feeling cool and connected to what you value most. The month ends on a harmonic note, as Mercury trines Uranus you can enjoy a tranquil atmosphere both within and without.


The month has a dreamy air to it, as Venus enters Aquarius on January 2. You’ll be extra prone to drifting off into fantasy land, which can actually help you build the life of your dreams. Your imagination can be a great motivator. The full moon in Cancer on January 6 is an ideal time to become encompassed by an artistic activity. As the Sun and Mercury meet up others will want to get involved in whatever you got going on. Enlist the help of a partner or friend in your creative project.

Mars retrograde comes to an end on January 12 and lightens the mood at home. The heavy emotions you’ve been feeling start to lift, as your dwelling transfers back to the tranquil and cozy abode it once was. When Venus gets entangled with Uranus on January 14 it can be hard to express yourself, combat this by focusing on the joy in the company you keep. Mercury comes direct on January 18 and you’ll notice your social calendar is filling up fast. While you may have more than one approaching obligation, the Sun’s move into Aquarius on January 20 has you respecting your social battery. Taking time to yourself to rest is imperative to your overall well-being.

Experiment with new methods of relaxation under the new moon in Aquarius on January 21. This is an ideal time to try new activities that help you unwind. As Uranus stations direct on the following day, you’ll feel an intense need to release what’s on your mind. Journaling can be extremely helpful. Venus moves into your sign on January 26 making you a magnet for what you desire. Show yourself some love and good things come your way. As a Sun-Mars alignment ends the month you’re in a good place to start off 2023. You already know the key to happiness: living in each moment.


Photo by Alazar Kassahun

New year and old pals. You’ll get a call from a long-lost buddy as Venus enters Aquarius on January 2. Expect your already booming social life to pick up with this transit, and it’s likely that one of your connections has a new opportunity for you. Follow one rule under the Cancer full moon on January 6, if it makes you feel more secure, it’s worth it. Stability comes after taking the leap. Mercury conjuncts the Sun on the following day, and there is nothing wrong with wanting it all— it just doesn’t happen overnight. It’s an excellent time to make some plans.

Mars goes direct on January 12 and you can finally get moving again. This will give you the jolt of energy you’ve been looking for, no caffeine necessary. Your carefree ways could land you in a dispute around January 14 when Venus squares Uranus. You’ll unexpectedly owe someone money and won’t be too thrilled. Cheer up, because Mercury comes out of retrograde on January 18, and you’ll feel like you have a clear direction. At the same time the Sun conjuncts Pluto before coming into Aquarius, and you find new ways to put your best foot forward.

Keep an eye out for any new connections under the new moon in Aquarius on December 21. You’ll meet an interesting character who can bring some developments to your career. Ruler of Aquarius, Uranus, stations direct on the following day, allowing you to embrace innovation. Let others teach you a thing or two about owning your value. Mid-week is an excellent time to hang out with friends as that gas you up, but you’ll quickly hit the breaks when Venus comes into Pisces on January 26. Rest and relaxation are a necessity for the next couple of weeks, so keep your schedule light. The month ends and you’ve got things running like a well-oiled machine, allowing you to kick back in your off time.


You’ve got your sights set high as you welcome 2023. Vivacious Venus moves into innovative Aquarius on January 2 and you’ll be attacking your dreams in some new ways. With the influence of buoyant Jupiter your motivation is through the roof. The later half of the week brings some personal enlightenment, and the full moon in Cancer on January 6 has the gears of your mind turning. Brilliant ideas may strike, so keep a notepad handy. On the following day Mercury meets with the Sun, and could present a minor test in faith.

Your spirits will certainly be alive and well around January 12 when Mars bursts out of retrograde. Finances begin to go smoother and you’ll feel especially confident moving forward. The weekend of January 14 does have its challenges, you may be feeling overwhelmed with everything you’ve got going on in your professional sphere. Get together with friends for a decadent dinner to help calm your nerves. Mercury retrograde meets the end of its rope on January 18 and you’ll become aware of a greater sense of trust in yourself or a higher power. This day could radically transform a core belief with a Sun-Pluto conjunction too.

The Sun enters your 10th house of career and public status on January 20, so you may gain some recognition or notoriety for your work or passion project. The new moon in Aquarius on the following day initiates your leadership skills, allowing you to really step it up a notch on that professional ladder. As Uranus stations direct in your sign on the following day you are pumped and ready to go. Venus enters Pisces on January 26, so continue to put yourself out there. Mixing and mingling will help you meet the right people to bring your career to a new level. The month ends on a sweet note, with a fervent Sun-Mars aspect, you can take some time to do things your heart enjoys.


The new year gets underway and your imagination takes flight as Venus enters Aquarius on January 2. A collaboration could be in the works. The full moon in Cancer on January 6 might prompt you to take a calculated risk. Impulse mixes with intuition thanks to the involvement of Uranus and it can take you to extraordinary places. Mercury joins the Sun for a cazimi on the following day, and you’ll likely be going back and forth with someone over finances. Be firm and don’t let it consume you, resolutions are found with a calm mind.

Mars stations direct your sign on January 12, turning up your energy levels. You’ll be met with a newfound sense of drive. Venus gets mixed up with Uranus on January 14, and you might not be your typical optimistic self. Focusing on your ultimate vision will help lift your spirits. Mercury also changes directions on January 18 and closes the can of worms that got opened during its retrograde. You’ll be more in tune with your instinctual side, which will have lasting effects on your affairs with others.

The Sun enters your 9th house of the higher mind on January 20 and this is an ideal time for self-improvement in your mental space. The full moon in Aquarius on the following day offers you a chance to improve your knowledge and skill set. Whether it’s a series of webinars or a class you’ve been eyeing, now is the time. Uranus retrograde comes to completion on January 22 and the results of learning something new will be surprisingly mind-opening. Venus enters Pisces on January 26 garnering you some favorable attention. Your work may be publicly appraised or you’ll become a little more goal-oriented. The Sun trines Mars to end the month and you’re an unstoppable force, making the life of your dreams happen in real-time.


It’s time to get intimate with both yourself and others. Venus moves into Aquarius on January 2 and cracks open your outer shell. Let the waves of vulnerability take you, for it could lead to long-awaited relationship development. The full moon in your sign on January 6 is an excellent time to socialize. Single crabs might meet an interesting stranger, while coupled Cancers should get together with friends. The weekend calls for some private time between you and someone special. As Mercury meets the Sun on the following day, one on one interactions is quite enlightening.

Mars comes direct in Gemini on January 12, and you can get off that hamster wheel. The burnout and feelings of overwhelm will begin to dissipate. Do your best to rise above petty drama around January 14. Venus gets tangled with Uranus and someone is likely to pick a fight or spew an insulting remark. It doesn’t deserve your attention. Mercury emerges from retrograde on January 18 and diminishes any communication problems within important relationships. The Sun moves into Aquarius on January 20 and you’ll feel more connected to the people who are the closest to your heart.

The new moon in Aquarius on January 21 is an ideal time to negotiate a business contracts or re-discuss expectations in your romantic affairs. Radical Uranus stations direct on the following day and you’ll find you’re willing to really put yourself out there. This may involve joining some new network or organization. Venus moves into Pisces and your 9th house of the higher mind on January 26. You may particularly delight in learning new things or exploring your spirituality over the next couple of weeks. The month ends with a fabulous Sun-Mars aspect and your feeling confident in yourself and partnerships. This is a good place to be.


Mars retrograde in Gemini

Mercury Direct in Capricorn 2023

You’ll feel the love as the new year gets underway and Venus moves in Aquarius on January 2. Around the start of the week, you’ll come to a deep understanding with a friend or lover, thanks to the influence of benefic Jupiter, but the latter half offers you a chance to kick into overdrive when it comes to reaching a personal goal. Just be sure to chill out a bit under the full moon in Cancer on January 6. Doing absolutely nothing after your burst of activity feels ultra rewarding. The Sun conjoins Mercury on the following day and it’s back to business.

Mars stations direct on January 12 in your social sector. If it feels like your friendships have been dull, that changes and you’ll notice an uptick in energy when engaging with others. Venus agitates Uranus the weekend of January 14, and your plans with someone special get discombobulated. It’s recommended that you just go with the flow. January 18 is a date to take note of. If your schedule has been a mess thanks to Mercury retrograde you can finally find some order, as the messenger planet stations direct. The Sun-Pluto conjunction makes you a strong advocate for yourself. If someone isn’t willing to work with your availability, is it worth it?

The Sun enters your 7th house of relations, so you can expect to be more involved in friendships or with your partner. The new moon in Aquarius on the following day allows you a fresh start in all matters of the heart. A tumultuous relationship might finally end or a renewed sense of romance is felt in a flourishing one. As Uranus stations direct on January 22 you’re all about having the ultimate. It’s not just about revolutionizing your love life, but the grand scheme as a whole. Venus moves into Pisces on January 26, inviting you to be raw about what it is you desire. The month ends as the Sun powers up Mars and you’re ready to put yourself out there with passion.


You’ll be happily attending to chores as the new year kicks off and Venus moves into Aquarius on January 2. While you revel in a job well done, this is more about finding enjoyment as you’re ticking off your to-do list. The full moon in Cancer and your social 11th house is the perfect day for a new adventure with friends. As meticulous Mercury and the Sun join forces on the following day your optimism is at peak levels, which might lead you to a small disappointment.

Mars goes direct on January 12, and with this action-oriented planet no longer in retrograde you’ll feel your ambitions kick into high gear. They may have been dormant for a couple of months and this will feel quite invigorating. An unhealthy habit gets in your way this weekend, thanks to a Venus square Uranus. Seeking out advice is a good start to kicking it. Mercury also ends its retrograde on January 18. If it’s been hard to source your creativity that changes today. With a Sun-Pluto conjunction, you’ll dive deep into an artistic or romantic endeavor.

The Sun enters your 6th house or work and health which brings you a newfound sense of vitality in these areas. Forever a perfectionist, the new moon in Aquarius on the following day has you coming up with some unique ways to improve your daily routine. As Uranus exits retrograde on January 22, you’ll see things from a brand new perspective. Venus moves into Pisces on January 26 and shifts your priority to love and friendship. The next couple of weeks is a wonderful time to give your relationships some affection and attention. You end the month feeling like you have it all, thanks to a brilliant connection between Mars and the Sun— but you’re ready for more action.


The holidays may be over, but your celebration is just getting started with Venus’s move into Aquarius on January 2. Whether you’re enjoying the sweet embrace of romance or becoming more involved in a hobby, it’s a beautiful way to start the new year. The full moon in Cancer on January 6 brings an exciting change at home, and this is something you’ve been hoping for. Emotions take over your psyche as Mercury joins the Sun on the following day, just don’t forget your logic when tending to responsibilities. It’s a recipe for a slip-up.

Mars comes direct on January 12 and you may be itching to get away on an adventure. Now might be the right time to flock to an exotic location. If you’ve had to postpone a trip or learning opportunity the plan is put back into motion. Venus initiates a conflict with Uranus on January 14 and plans could get canceled. Why not tend to some matters at home? Mercury stations direct on January 18, and all previous miscommunications with live-in partners or family members will get resolved. As the Sun moves into Aquarius on January 20 you’ll be more inclined to ditch some responsibilities in the name of fun and family.

The new moon in Aquarius on January 21 is the perfect time to start a fresh creative project or pick up a new hobby. Dive into anything that fills your soul, as Uranus stations direct on the following day you might be surprised by what you learn about yourself. Your ruler Venus swiftly shifts into Pisces on January 26 and you’ll bring more self-care into your daily routine. Do at least one thing for pure enjoyment, every day. The month ends with a brilliant Sun trine Mars influence and inspiration is around every corner.


Home is the place to be as Venus moves into Aquarius on January 2. If you live with people you’ll find some profound relief in their company, but it will also be a time to recharge in your solitude. The full moon in Cancer on January 6 leads to gaining insight on a particular relationship. Out of the blue you could come to a mutual understanding. The Sun and Mercury join forces on the following day and you’ll be expressing yourself from a soul level.

Mars comes direct on January 12 and you may notice an increase in your desires and instincts. This transit will put you in touch with the more primal side of your personality. Venus squares off with Uranus around January 14, and this spells romantic drama. Try to let the small arguments slide, underneath the pent-up tension is a chance to strengthen bonds or progress a partnership. Mercury retrograde comes to an end on January 18 and communicating becomes much easier, compared to the last couple of weeks. The Sun enters your 4th house of home and family on January 20, bringing some heartwarming notions to your attention.

The new moon in Aquarius on January 21 is an excellent time to initiate some updates at home. Whether it’s a new cleaning schedule or a DIY project it will drastically improve your quality of life as Uranus comes direct on the following day. Your home environment is infused with some refreshed energy. Venus enters Pisces on January 26 and entices you to find more pleasure in your day-to-day. This can be a rather creative couple of weeks for you. The month ends on an endearing note when the Sun trines Mars, there is both harmony and passion in your closest relations and in your heart.


You’re expressing yourself with elegance and grace as the new year rolls in and Venus swings into Aquarius on January 2. You’ll have plenty of engagements to show off your charm and wit as she links up with your exuberant ruler Jupiter. The full moon in Cancer on January 6 brings some sultry desires to your attention, why not indulge them a bit? The Sun and Mercury combine forces on the following day, and if you’re trying to sort out finances, things could get frustrating.

Mars emerges from retrograde in your 7th house of partnerships. If the passion or spark was missing in your relationships, you’ll feel it glow again. Any frustrations dealt with over the last couple of months will start to subside. Work stress might creep up on you as Venus gets involved with Uranus on January 14. Don’t get all neurotic over it. Distract yourself with anything that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside— This weekend was made for blankets and streaming. Mercury goes direct on January 18 and money matters become a less pressing issue, a delayed payment could find its way to you.

As the Sun enters your 3rd house of community on January 20, you may want to get involved as a local volunteer or feel called to further explore your neighborhood. The new moon in Aquarius on the following day brings new innovation to your overall mindset. This is the perfect day to create a vision board or practice affirmations. Uranus ends its retrograde on January 22, pushing for radical change in your daily routine. Venus moves into Pisces and your emotional zone on January 26, the next couple of weeks is a good time to show people just how much you care. The month ends on a high note thanks to a Sun-Mars alignment. An important conversation welds favorable results and things are moving along just fine.

About the Author/s

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A writer and astrologer, sustained by iced coffee, sunsets and decorating her home. For more on her services and where her insights can be found, visit cosmickait.com.

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