April ended a bang. We experienced Pluto going retrograde and the new moon solar eclipse in Taurus, back-to-back. Your May 2022 horoscopes find us in the middle of eclipse season and on the precipice of retrograde season. Although none of the outer planets will go retrograde this month. Only one small, at times pesky, personal planet will. That’s right, Mercury is the next planet to go retrograde on May 10, in it’s home sign of Gemini. The messenger planet will backtrack into Taurus on May 22, continuing the earth/air themes of relationships and value as we reflect on matters surrounding them.
On May 10, the same day that Mercury stations (changes direction), Jupiter enters Aries, inspiring us to grow in our independent tendencies over the next six months. The full moon lunar eclipse in Scorpio on May 16 brings up some intense energy. There is a challenge we must overcome as the Moon and Sun square Saturn.
In other astrological news, both Venus and Mars are returning to their home signs. Mars enters Aries on May 24, while Venus ingresses into Taurus on May 28. This will give just the right amount of ambition, passion and love to go forth on life’s journey. Towards the end of the month, we’ll all benefit from high-functioning Venus and Mars. Mercury, who?
May 2022 Horoscopes Important Dates:
Venus Enters Aries, May 2: This day will have us all feeling footloose and fancy-free. In this sign, she can inspire some brash and bold behavior, sometimes to her detriment. Venus in Aries has a tendency to overdo it, in every sense of the word. However, we’ll all benefit from some lighthearted fun.
Jupiter Enters Aries, May 10: Jupiter makes a big move into this flashy fire sign, and we’ll be feeling the flames. Jupiter here will inspire us to expand our independent spirit. There is nothing we can’t accomplish with this influence behind us! This is very much about restoring our belief in ourselves. Jupiter will remain in Aries until October 28, 2022, when his retrograde will move the planet of luck and abundance back into Pisces.
Mercury Retrograde in Gemini, May 10: Mercury is at it again! Cue communication blunders, overlooked details, transportation/technology woes. Mercury’s retrograde will start in Gemini, and bring the planet back to Taurus on May 22. This is an excellent three-week period to reflect on the value of relationships (in the general sense of the word). Mercury stations direct on June 3. For more on this transit, check out the Complete Guide to All the Mercury Retrogrades in 2022.
The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, May 16: There is a push to let go of something that no longer holds value. Although, through releasing, we make space for the next best thing. What makes this lunation particularly tough is Saturn’s involvement, since we will be facing and breaking through limitations.
Sun Enters Gemini, May 20: There is always whimsical energy in the air during Gemini season. The Sun here will make us a little extra curious, wanting to probe life’s mysteries. This is a good time to do activities that stimulate the mind, or pick-up a journaling habit. Let your imagination soar to new heights.
Mars Enters Aries, May 24: Not for the faint of heart. Mars in his home sign is a warrior and we’ll all be feeling the fighting spirit. Yes, Mars here has been known to increase tempers, but at the end of the day, it stems from passion. We can all use the bold and courageous influence of Mars and Aries to fuel our drive and ambition.
Venus Enter Taurus, May 28: As the ruler of this sign, Venus is at home. This transit will certainly give us all a taste for the finer things. It will definitely be a “treat yourself” kind of week. Underneath Venus’s superficial exteriors is the ability to be completely present and live in the moment. This is where we find joy, love, pleasure, etc. All the gifts Venus can bring.
New Moon in Gemini, May 30: This joining of the Sun and moon will bring about a fresh start to mindsets and how we relate to our communities. This is a great time to set intentions around communication, new opportunities and further learning.
Taurus (Apr 21 – May 20)
Happy Birthday to Taurus 2.0! You’re a brand new person after that solar eclipse in your sign. On May 2, your ruler Venus gets one step closer to home and enters Aries. Use this transit as an invitation to connect with the divine beauty of life itself. Around May 4, the Sun meets up with Uranus as they both connect with Mars. This will likely fill you with a need to express yourself. It’s an ideal time to put yourself out there and take a risk. Doing so will teach you a valuable lesson with Jupiter sextile Pluto all week.
On May 10, the stars make some major moves as Jupiter ingresses into Aries and Mercury goes retrograde in Gemini. Jupiter in this sector of your chart can help expand your consciousness, and during Mercury’s backtrack, you’ll be reflecting on your self-image. This is a wonderful time to foster your relationship with yourself.
There is an intense full moon lunar eclipse in Scorpio on May 16. Both the Sun and Moon will find themselves in a stronghold with Saturn, which may lead to some conflict between your career and love life. With the Sun in your sign, this moment is all about what is best for you. A tough choice must be made. With the Sun sextile Neptune, turning to some good friends for advice should help you out.
Your season officially draws to a close on May 20 as the Sun enters Gemini and makes an auspicious aspect to Pluto. This movement should give you a rather sunny disposition.You’ll be coming into a more optimistic mindset. Over the weekend, Mercury crosses paths with the Sun and comes back into your sign on May 22. This may lead to an important realization; that reality starts with the self. This mental planet will sextile Mars as he comes home to Aries on May 24, inspiring you to dig deeper into your soul. You are discovering the core of who you are.
A personal belief or ideology might be challenged as Venus squares Pluto around May 26. While this will have you questioning some inner truth, Venus comes home to your sign just two days later. Suddenly, you’re singing a different tune as your confidence gets a major boost. This is also when Mars meets up with Jupiter, so any sort of spiritual or restorative activities are favorable, and even motivational. The new moon in Gemini on May 30 will set the tone for next month. This may bring a fresh start to the way you earn your money. Perhaps you’re expanding a self-owned business or starting a new job. Whatever it is, it brings more value to your life.
Gemini (May 21 – Jun 20)
Well Gemini, with your ruler Mercury at home in your sign and that solar eclipse in Taurus, you’ll be starting this month feeling like a brand new version of yourself. You let go of something recently, and life certainly feels lighter without it. Venus moves into Aries on May 2, and you can expect to have a busy social calendar over the coming weeks, just the way you like it. Keep putting yourself out there because your popularity is on the up and up with the Sun conjunct Uranus, while they both sextile Mars. This will last all week, so follow your instincts but let things come to you. With Mercury in cahoots with Venus, you can do no wrong.
On May 10, Jupiter moves into Aries and this spells “status change” in a good way. You may be stepping up to a new role or a project could take off. Whatever it is, you’ll certainly be feeling the pressure as Mercury goes retrograde in your sign on the same day. Mercury’s backtrack is a time to reflect on your mental thought processes.
Speaking of reflection, the full moon lunar eclipse in Scorpio occurs on May 16. Around this time, it’s best to take a break from the daily grind. You may even feel called to make wellness a top priority as this lunation is in a tight T-square to Saturn. If you haven’t been taking care of your mind, body and soul, you’ll start to feel it catching up. It’s time to make a change. Mars conjuncts Neptune all week, so envisioning success will help motivate you to meet a goal.
Your season starts as the Sun moves into your sign on May 20. This will provide you with that famous Gemini bravado. As Mercury crosses paths with the Sun this weekend you’ll be stepping into yourself. On May 22, Mercury takes a step back into Taurus prompting you to release control and have faith. This frees your mental space for a more proactive focus. Mars enters Aries on May 24 and ignites that true go-getter attitude. You’ll stop at nothing to make your dreams come true. Have you tried reaching out to your network?
While you’re feeling the fire of Mars, it may be best to dial it back a bit. As Mercury trines Pluto around May 26, take time to just be and you’ll find some inspiration. Venus enters Taurus on May 28 and over the next couple of weeks, you’ll be able to kick-back and relax with a greater sense of ease. Mars joins Jupiter to end the month and you might receive some good news or feedback. Just in time for your new moon on May 30. Your true power lies in being yourself.
Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22)
The month starts out on a high note. After that new moon solar eclipse in Taurus, you probably feel like you’ve found your place in the world. As Venus crosses Jupiter and comes into Aries on May 2, it’s likely you’re in the midst of reaching one of your most coveted goals. With the Sun conjunct Uranus and sextile Mars all week, an unexpected opportunity could come from your network. Keep your eyes peeled. Jupiter is aligned nicely with Pluto throughout this weekend, so this is an ideal time to focus on a close relationship.
On May 10, Jupiter moves Aries and over the coming months, things will really start to happen in your career. On the same day, Mercury goes retrograde making you think twice about signing any contracts or agreements. Really take your time to mull over the situation. Bide your time, and if you can, and don’t rush into anything.
The full moon lunar eclipse in Scorpio on May 16 might be time for serious talk as this lunation is in a T-square to Saturn. This may be with a lover or a business partner, but you’ll need to clearly state your needs and boundaries. As Mars conjuncts Neptune on the following day, you’ll find it’s much easier to open up. This experience could change the way you interact with others, in some shape or form.
The Sun enters Gemini on May 20 and prompts you to chill out. Relax and take time to smell the flowers. As the Sun aligns nicely with Pluto, grab a lover or close friend and go for a stroll in the park. Mercury sextiles Jupiter then crosses paths with the Sun on the following day. This will have you daydreaming all weekend—get lost in your imagination. Mercury backtracks into Taurus on May 22 and you may start to rethink who you should be surrounding yourself with. Mars moves into Aries just two days later on May 24 and kicks up your ambition and drive when it comes to meeting your personal goals.
Venus faces off with Pluto before coming home to Taurus on May 28. You might find that a certain career aspiration you have doesn’t align within a partnership. With the planet of grace and love in this house, it is possible to find common ground when it comes to future hopes and wishes. Despite the drama in your personal life, you’ll feel more ambition than ever at the end of the month when Mars conjuncts Jupiters. The new moon in Gemini on May 30 is a time to slow down and take a moment to reflect. Getting adequate rest is essential to your success right now. Taking a moment to just be opens you up to receive.
Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 22)
As May gets underway, it’s clear you’re going places. The new moon solar eclipse in Taurus has brought you an amazing opportunity. Now is an excellent time to start the learning process as Venus enters Aries on May 2. If you have to review any material or train for a new role, this is a beneficial time to pick-up some new skills. Around May 4, the Sun conjoins Uranus and both of them sextile Mars, so expect to surprise yourself. You have a chance to step up and be the leader. Once you do, you’ll unlock hidden talents. Jupiter lines up nicely with Pluto all week and into the weekend, which points to a time of expansion in your professional and public sphere.
On May 10, Jupiter enters Aries and you’ll be feeling super excited about a new venture. This will teach you a lot in the coming months. On the same day, Mercury goes retrograde in Gemini, so communicating to a large network might be difficult. It’s best to send any mass messages before this date.
The full moon lunar eclipse in Scorpio on May 16 calls your attention to relationship matters, as the lunation is in a T-Square to Saturn. The Sun and Moon make some helpful aspects to Neptune, so this situation will require you to be honest about your deepest feelings and truths. Once you open up, things get easier. Mars is cuddled up to Neptune all week, and you may be confronting parts of yourself you never knew existed.
The Sun moves into Gemini on May 20, and you’ll be in the mood to socialize. Call up the gang and schedule some much needed hang time. As Mercury crosses paths with the Sun on the following day, some human interaction will uplift your spirits. The messenger planet moves back into Taurus on May 22, and in the next couple of weeks, you could receive some important insight on your next conquest (i.e. the goal you want to reach). Take moments to reflect.
Mars comes home to Aries on May 24 and you might have the urge to get away. Start shopping for your next vacation. In the meantime, quench your thirst for adventure by thoroughly researching your next destination. Mercury trines Pluto the following day, so an idea of how to improve your work life might strike. Don’t waste time and put it to the test.
Towards the end of the week, Venus makes a challenging aspect to Pluto which might insight some drama in a friend group. She comes home to Taurus on May 28 and you simply don’t have time for petty B.S., you’ve got your eye on the prize. With all this forward focus, you may very well discover a dream or aspiration with the new moon in Gemini on May 30. This opens some new doors and if you follow your heart, it won’t steer you wrong.
Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22)
The new moon solar eclipse in Taurus was an enlightening experience. One that has probably led you to a great personal awakening. As Venus moves into Aries on May 2, you’re beginning to see the beauty of becoming aware of yourself on a deeper level. This helps strengthen your personal relationships. You’re in for a wild ride as the Sun joins Uranus and sextiles Mars on May 4. Let someone whisk you away on some fantastic adventure. As Jupiter is delightfully lined up with Pluto this week, a dash of excitement is needed to spice up a particular partnership.
Lucky Jupiter enters Aries on May 10 and you’ll be feeling like you’ve hit the lotto when it comes to partnerships. This might be in business, romance, or both. Either way, you’ll be looking to really solidify things. This transit is ideal for signing contracts (after Mercury retrograde, of course!). In the coming months, this partnership should experience growth and expansion. Your ruler Mercury also goes retrograde in Gemini on this day, so you’ll be prone to getting lost in the grandiose visions of the future. Reign it in and get back to reality as there are certain steps that need to be taken now.
Your running to-do list could feel crushing with the full moon lunar eclipse in Scorpio on May 16. This lunation falls into a T-square with Saturn and you’ll be facing the very real limitations of your schedule. Something’s got to give, as you need more time to devote to whatever is calling you at the moment.
Mars aligns with Neptune on May 17, which also makes this a good week to spend time with a lover or close friend. The Sun enters Gemini on May 20 and you’ll be feeling a need to be seen and recognized for your wisdom. Mercury crosses paths with the Sun and enters Taurus on May 22. This weekend you’ll uncover a new fundamental belief about yourself, while stepping into your worthiness.
Mars triumphantly returns home to Aries on May 24. Around this time, you may be feeling free of inhibitions, ready and willing to take on what life presents you with. As Venus squares Pluto on May 26, an emotional issue from the past might resurface. Acknowledge it with a playful heart and keep it moving because Venus comes home to Taurus on May 28. This transit will make you feel curious in a good way. It’s a good time to pick up some old or new hobbies that really light up your spirit.
The new moon in Gemini on May 30 sets the tone for next month and you’ll be super goal-oriented. This is a good time to review and rewrite what you wish to accomplish in the near future. It’s all happening, this is just the start.
Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)
The new moon solar eclipse in Taurus just may have opened your heart. Perhaps you’re taking a relationship to a new level or entering a new business partnership. Whatever sort of merging is going on in your life, it sure does feel like the right move as your ruler Venus enters Aries on May 2. Now more than ever, you can get and give the mutual support you need in a sustainable relationship. The Sun aligns with Uranus as they both sextile Mars on May 4, making this a good week for some spontaneous and playful action. That’s what personal days are for.
On May 10, Jupiter enters Aries and you’ll be feeling lucky in love—or just exponentially grateful for those special people in your life. Love can truly flourish now that Jupiter is in your relationship house. On the same day, Mercury stations retrograde in Gemini, making the next couple of weeks a superb time to reflect on the wisdom you’ve gained over the years. How can you make better use of it?
The full moon lunar eclipse in Scorpio on May 16 might illuminate some financial difficulties. As the Sun and the Moon square Saturn, some Libra’s may need to rein in their spending habits and get out of debt. Others might experience money problems within partnerships. Mars conjoins Neptune on the following day, so you’ll be feeling oddly optimistic and motivated to reach a resolution.
The Sun trines Pluto as it moves into Gemini on May 20. Around this date, your disposition could change. As you realize the strength in your emotional core, your outlook becomes much brighter. Mercury crosses paths with the Sun as its retrograde takes the messenger back to Taurus on May 22. Even though you like to avoid conflict at all costs, you’ll want to speak up within a partnership. Be an advocate for yourself at this time. Mars comes home to Aries on May 24 and your zealous attitude will rub off on others.
You may have some doubts about your relationships as Venus squares Pluto, just before she enters Taurus, her other home sign, on May 28. This is truly an excellent time for partnerships as Venus here will really highlight those underlying values within them. Fiery Mars joins Jupiter at this time, so you’ll be feeling the passion tenfold. The month ends with a new moon in Gemini on May 30, putting the spotlight on your higher mind. It may be time to revamp your thought processes.
Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)
With that new moon solar eclipse in Taurus, there may have been a radical shift within a special relationship. Venus moves into Aries on May 2, coloring your day-to-day life with her whimsical influence and you are definitely feeling the love. On May 4, the Sun meets up with Uranus and sextiles Mars and it is very possible that your sweetheart has a surprise for you. It’s full of passion and fun, so just say yes. This is an excellent time for a weekend getaway and Jupiter is sextile Pluto.
The planet of good fortune and expansion (Jupiter) moves into Aries on May 10 and blesses your day-to-day. Around this time, you might be offered a new job or redo your work schedule, which switches up the daily grind in a big way. On the same day, Mercury goes retrograde in Gemini, bringing your fears to the surface. You may have to confront one or two in the coming weeks. However, under the full moon lunar eclipse in your sign on May 16, it may be time to confront yourself, especially If you’ve been giving too much to others.
As the Sun and Moon square Saturn, it’s imperative that you start to set proper boundaries, especially when it comes to family. Mars conjuncts Neptune on the following day and inspires you to get creative. Spend the rest of the week making art or planning some romantic dates.
The Sun connects with Pluto before moving into Gemini on May 20. Suddenly, you want to know more. As Mercury crosses paths with the Sun and backs into Taurus on May 22, you’ll be asking all the questions. Around this time, you’ll want to truly understand others. Mars comes home to Aries on May 24, and you should start to feel your overall motivation go into overdrive. The next couple of weeks is a great time to get chores done, start a healthier daily routine or take on a big project at work. You can use this transit to work towards accomplishments. As Mercury trines Pluto for the rest of the week, expect to have some deep conversations.
Venus will square Pluto before she comes home to Taurus on May 28 so there may be a small hurdle to jump within a significant relationship. Once it is cleared, you are free to join in the benefic energy this planet brings to your partnership house. The next couple of weeks are filled with lots of romance. Mars joins Jupiter on this day too, and you’ll be feeling on top of the world. The new moon in Gemini on May 30 points to an intimate new beginning.
Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)
The new moon solar eclipse in Taurus may have brought a welcomed change to your daily routine. As Venus moves into Aries on May 2, you are free to enjoy the finer things in life. The planet of love in this sector of the chart spells romance, so coupled archers may enjoy more adoration and single ones might have a flirty fling. Around May 4, the Sun meets up with Uranus and sextiles Mars giving you a go-getter attitude. With your ruler Jupiter in alignment with Pluto all week, you’ll be feeling a subtle push to improve your financial situation.
Jupiter moves into fellow fire sign Aries on May 10, bringing you unlimited creativity. This is an optimal transit for getting projects off the ground, adopting a new pet or having children. On the same day, Mercury stations retrograde in Gemini, which may call for some rehashing in your close relationships.
The full moon lunar eclipse in Scorpio on May 16 could bring-up a difficult conversation, as the Moon and Sun fall into a T-Square with Saturn. It’s probably best to take this day to think through your approach. During this talk, you’ll have to be an advocate for your own needs, particularly those related to your mental health, so it’s best to go in with a plan. Mars joins Neptune the following day, bringing you some emotional durability.
On May 20, the Sun trines Pluto before ingressing into Gemini and prompts you to lean on your support system. Mercury crosses paths with the Sun and enters Taurus on May 22, so this is a good weekend to call a close friend and talk about whatever is plaguing you. By the time Mars enters Aries on May 24, you’ll be feeling much better because you’ll be putting a greater importance on enjoyment and pleasure going forward. Mercury trines Pluto for the rest of the week, and you may come to realize just how valuable the work you do really is.
Venus enters Taurus on May 28, but squares off with Pluto before doing so. This could bring up financial and personal insecurities, which you can use as underlying motivation while Venus moves through your house of work and health. It will bring more worth to your everyday life. You may also be struck with some intense inspiration as Mars conjuncts Jupiter on the same day. The month ends with a new moon in Gemini on May 30. If you have been having a spring fling, it could turn serious. Coupled archers will enjoy some fresh energy in their current relationships.
Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)
That new moon solar eclipse in Taurus must have you feeling like a creative force to be reckoned with. As Venus moves into Aries on May 2, she encourages you to take a softer approach to caring for yourself and your emotional needs. This is a cosmic reminder that you don’t have to be “on” 24/7. On May 4, the Sun conjuncts Uranus and as they both sextile Mars, and you’ll be feeling quite uninhibited. Your reactions are natural and happening like rapid fire. Jupiter aligns with Pluto all week, which explains why you’re suddenly an open book.
On May 10, Jupiter makes a big move into Aries and you’ll likely be thinking about home expansion. This transit is beneficial for moving or starting a family. Yes, some big, beautiful blessings are coming to your home life in the next six months. On the same day, Mercury stations retrograde, and for the next couple of weeks, you’ll be reflecting on how you can work smarter, not harder.
The full moon lunar eclipse in Scorpio on May 16 could present some discord in a particular social group or organization you run with, perhaps even within your company. As the Sun and Moon form an intense T-square to Saturn, it’s likely this is a financial issue which might involve an authority figure. Due to your ruler’s (Saturn) involvement, you may have to be the one who steps up to make things right. Luckily, Mars joins Neptune on the following day, giving your words some force and grace in order to resolve this issue.
The Sun trines Pluto before moving into Gemini on May 20, which reiterates your work ethic. It has taken a lot of blood, sweat and tears to get where you are—this is a moment to celebrate that, even if it’s just secretly to yourself. This weekend, Mercury forms its cazimi with the Sun before taking a step back into Taurus. You may begin to crave more creative practices in your day-to-day. Mars moves into Aries on May 24, turning up the dial on your emotional radar. Over the coming weeks, you’ll feel compelled to share more of your feelings.
Venus squares Pluto before she moves into Taurus on May 28. Initially, this could bring some insecurities to the surface. However, as Venus moves through your house of fun and leisure, those two things will become a top priority. Focus on the good vibes. On the same day, Mars joins Jupiter and you won’t be able to contain your feelings. It’s okay to let them out. The new moon in Gemini on May 30 could inspire a new approach to your work and health routines. As the month draws to a close, you’re focused on your wellbeing, and I love that for you, Cap.
Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)
The new moon solar eclipse in Taurus brought a benefic new beginning at home. Now you’re feeling that blissful aftermath. As Venus moves into Aries, your world will be colored by rose glasses. If you just moved, this will have you wanting to jump right into exploring your new neighborhood. As the Sun meets up with Uranus and connects with Mars on May 4, you might just be extra excited about what changed at home. It truly feels like a place of value, one you’ve worked hard for. Sit back and enjoy these vibes. Being in a “new place,” so to speak, has truly amplified your overall satisfaction and steady growth as Jupiter sextiles Pluto all week.
The planet of growth and exploration (Jupiter) enters Aries on May 10 and expands your view on the world. Your need for adventure is strong, but you also don’t want to stray too far. On the same day, Mercury stations retrograde in Gemini and you may be asking where has all the “fun” gone? Although responsibilities may be a top priority, this is an ideal time to start planning some weekend summer getaways. You’ll be hitting the open road in no time!
This full moon lunar eclipse in Scorpio on May 16 may be a difficult time in regards to your aspirations. As the Sun and Moon square Saturn, currently in your sign. You may be frustrated by your limitations, those of which you place on yourself. Once you open your eyes to this, you’ll find a greater sense of self-determination. Mars joins Neptune the next day and you can feel the self-esteem start to roll in.
The Sun trines Pluto as he enters Gemini on May 20, so take a breather and let some creative thoughts come your way. For you, Gemini season is all about having a good time. Mercury crosses over the Sun this weekend, before backtracking into Taurus on May 22. This might inspire you to put more heart and soul into your hobbies or romance. With Mercury retrograde in this sector, pay attention to your emotional needs, there may be something from the past you still have to let go of. Mars moves into Aries on May 24 which snaps you back to the present moment. In the coming weeks, you’ll be super alert and in the mood to be out and about.
Venus may bring up some painful memories as she squares Pluto, before moving into Taurus on May 28. It’s okay to mourn what or whom you’ve lost. As Venus travels through her home, in your house of home and family, you’ll wake up to how lucky you truly are. She is here to gently remind you that love is everlasting, and exists beyond the human form. Mars and Jupiter meet up on the same day and help you find peace in the present moment. The new moon in Gemini on May 30 promises greener pastures ahead. This is a great time to focus on what you are building or creating in life.
Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)
The new moon solar eclipse in Taurus has you expressing yourself with a new fire. Venus moves into Aries on May 2 and you could be feeling frivolous with your money. It’s okay to treat yourself to something that makes you feel like a million bucks—just know when to draw the line. The Sun meets up with Uranus and sextiles Mars, which prompts you to say whatever is on your mind. This will have unexpected and positive results. Jupiter in your sign will sextile Pluto all week, and friends come out of the woodwork to surprise you with their company.
Jupiter moves into Aries on May 10 and while it’s a bummer to say goodbye to your traditional ruler, this is great news for your finances. Over the next few months, you’ll likely see a bump in income. On the same day, Mercury stations retrograde in Gemini and you may have to deal with some mishaps around the home. This is also an ideal time to reflect on how you handle your emotions.
The full moon lunar eclipse in Scorpio on May 16 is square to Saturn and creates some internal tension. Some of your core beliefs are outdated and need to go. Beliefs evolve as we do, even if they are resistant to change. Once you accept this, it’s all peaches as Mars meets up with Neptune on the following day. Use this influence to come up with a new code of ethics that you’ll stick to.
The Sun trines Pluto as he moves into Gemini on May 20 and you might be feeling all fuzzy inside thanks to the support of your friends. For you, Gemini season is all about processing emotions. Mercury forms a cazimi with the Sun and moves back into Taurus on May 22, making this an ideal weekend to have a difficult conversation. You’ll be both open and receptive. Doing so makes you feel lighter. Mars moves into Aries on May 24 and you’re feeling pretty damn confident. This transit might also make you get out there and hustle, and yes, money is the motive.
Venus squares Pluto as she comes home to Taurus on May 28. There might be some drama with a friend. It will blow over quickly, so it’s whatever. Just enjoy expressing yourself and living your life to the fullest. When Mars joins Jupiter, this is a good time to manifest some money. Apply for a new job, prepare to ask for a raise, etc. The month ends with a new moon in Gemini on May 30 and a chance to set some new emotional ground. Perhaps there has been a fresh start at home. Whatever occurs, you’ll be operating from a peaceful inner state, which makes navigating the world so much easier for you, Pisces.
Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20)
Your season may be over, but you’re still the star of the show when Venus moves into your sign on April 2. This transit will leave you feeling amorous and glamorous, so it’s impossible for others not to notice. The rest of the week is prime time for creation and with several free-flowing aspects, your imagination will come to life. As Jupiter sextiles Pluto all week, you’ll be focused on your future vision. Your time to take action is around May 4. When your ruler Mars connects to the Sun conjunct Uranus, results appear out of thin air.
On May 10, Jupiter enters your sign and blesses you with some magnetic and jovial energy. For the next several months, you’ll be attracting all the right people, places and opportunities. On the same day, Mercury goes retrograde in Gemini and over the next couple of weeks, you might find it hard to fully express yourself. This transit may also cause some slight frustration with transportation.
May 16 will be a rather eventful day with a full moon lunar eclipse in Scorpio. You might just break free of something that’s been holding you back. As the Sun and Moon are in a strong T-square with Saturn, it may be time to say goodbye to an organization, group of friends or even a job. The Sun also makes a glorious aspect to Neptune, so whatever you release, it will lead you down a better path. Mars conjuncts Neptune for the remainder of the week and this is the precipice of a fresh start.
The Sun moves into Gemini and makes a harmonious trine to Pluto on May 20. This will provide you with a bright and optimistic view of the present and future. As Mercury crosses paths with the Sun and sextiles Jupiter, you’re motivated to start taking action. However, on May 22, Mercury backtracks into Taurus and hits you with some surprise maintenance fees. This might be a car repair or just a bill you weren’t expecting. Don’t dwell in the frustration because Mars comes home to your sign on May 24, and you’ve got better things to be all fired up about. It might as well be your season, because you’re still calling the shots.
Venus moves into Taurus on May 28 giving you some extra help in attracting your desires. Be mindful of your spending because with Venus in this house, flashy and expensive things will catch your eye. With Mars conjunct Jupiter at this time, you’ll want to give yourself the world. By all means treat yourself, but set a budget. Mercury is still retrograde after all. The new moon in Gemini on May 30 ends the month but sets the tone for the next one. This day will be a mind-opening experience. Use this period to explore new thoughts and tap into different streams of consciousness, as this lunation smoothly connects to your planet, Mars.
A writer and astrologer, sustained by iced coffee, sunsets and decorating her home. For more on her services and where her insights can be found, visit cosmickait.com.
- Kaitlyn De Leonardishttps://thedigestonline.com/author/kdeleonardis/
- Kaitlyn De Leonardishttps://thedigestonline.com/author/kdeleonardis/
- Kaitlyn De Leonardishttps://thedigestonline.com/author/kdeleonardis/
- Kaitlyn De Leonardishttps://thedigestonline.com/author/kdeleonardis/