The astrology this month is similar to the nature of fall itself. For your September 2020 horoscopes, things will start to cool down after a scorching summer. A new season begins and there is undeniable magic in the stars. As we savor the last days of sunlight, stop to take in the scenery before the world around us literally breaks down before our eyes (blame Mars and Saturn). Click here for full fall horoscopes. Click here for October horoscopes.
With Virgo season in full swing, we’re all strategically plotting ways to make our lives better. While we certainly need the structure and logic of Virgo, the full moon in Pisces on September 2 reminds us that feelings and intuition play a key role in decision making, too. A few days later Mercury moves into Libra, and Venus into Leo on September 6. Our communication is well received and we’re expressing ourselves in a passionate and loving way.
When Mars goes retrograde on September 9, it’s time to hit the breaks. Don’t come to a full stop, just slow down. The new moon in Virgo on September 17 brings a fresh start to our routines. As Libra season kicks off on September 22, it’s time to put more energy into fostering our relationships with others. When Mercury enters Scorpio on September 27, conversations get deep.
This month will also feature Jupiter and Saturn stationing direct. While they will still be in their respective shadow periods, we’ll notice a subtle energy shift. You’ll start to see some progress in something that started in May of this year. Here are some days to keep in mind for your September 2020 horoscopes:
September 2020 Horoscopes Important Dates
Full Moon in Pisces: September 2
Mercury Transits Libra and Venus Transits Leo: September 6
Mars Retrograde in Aries: September 9
New Moon in Virgo: September 17
Sun Transits Libra: September 22
Mercury Transits Scorpio: September 27
Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22)
Happy Birthday, Virgo! It’s your season and you’re definitely feeling the love. Under the full moon in Pisces on September 2, be sure to look back on how far you’ve come in regards to cultivating close personal relations. When your ruler Mercury lines up nicely with Venus the next day, keep doing what you’re doing because everyone loves having you around. Take time out to enjoy yourself before these planets move on.
On September 6, the song and dance changes. With Mercury’s move into Libra and Venus into Leo, your mind is doing the Virgo thing and formulating plots to increase your income. When Mars goes retrograde on September 9, you must accept that not everything, or everyone, is perfect. With the Sun in a great aspect to Jupiter on the same day, break down your walls and express your true self.
With Venus and Uranus mixing energies on September 15, you may realize what specific standards are too high for others to meet, and adjust accordingly. The new moon in your sign on September 17 will renew your confidence. The Sun shines towards Saturn on the same day and this is a good weekend to throw yourself into a creative endeavor. When the Sun moves into Libra on September 22, all this energy could be the start of a side hustle.
Remember that it’s not all about the destination, enjoy the journey, Virgo. With Mars in a harsh alignment to Saturn on September 26, you’re all about the logistics and forging ahead with a plan. If you get too caught up in the details, it will only leave your head spinning. As Venus and Mars form a stellar alignment on September 28, come from a grounded place and you’ll feel connected in everything you do and everyone you share your eccentric self with.
Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)
With the full moon in Pisces on September 2, you’ll be looking at your day to day life in a whole new light. On the following day, Mercury provides a booster to your ruler Venus, and Saturn the planet of structure. This is a wonderful opportunity to align your daily routine with what truly makes you happy. If you need some me-time this weekend, it’s okay to cancel plans. With Mars involved, the other party might be upset, but that’s not your concern.
When Mercury moves on to your sign, and Venus moves into Leo on September 6, your phone starts to blow up. Now you’re in the right space to enjoy the company of your nearest and dearest, while safely social distancing of course. When Mars starts his retrograde on September 9, your close relationships come into question. As a sign ruled by Venus, you need passion. If you’re not feeling that spark with a love interest or a solidified relationship, this is the chance to get to the bottom of it.
On September 15, Venus is thrown off by Uranus, making it difficult to express your true feelings to others. The new moon in Virgo just two days later will give you the courage to do so. With the Sun aspecting Saturn, it feels good to open an emotional wound and let it bleed out.
Your season starts on September 22, but Mars faces off with Saturn a few days later and it might feel shaky. However, you must take action and confront any relationship issues if you want to enjoy the rest of your season. Mars favors the bold, and if you let yourself be vulnerable, you’ll be rewarded. When your ruler Venus hooks up with Mars on September 28, you’ll be glad you put in the emotional work when you find that your tribe can be relied upon through thick and thin.
Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)
The full moon in Pieces on September 2 might just bring some romance into your life. If single, you could meet an intriguing stranger who sweeps you off your feet. With Mercury sextiling Venus, it is likely you’ll meet this person through a mutual friend. But with Venus moving into Leo and Mercury into Libra on September 6, it might become apparent that you both want different things in life. The same basis goes for coupled Scorpios. The first six days of the month will feel like a fairytale, only to be questioning the trajectory of your relationship the following week. Mars retrograde adds more fuel to the fire and might make you a bit obsessive.
On September 14, the Sun is working well with your ruler Pluto and you’ll be able to completely speak your truth at this time. How others take that truth is a bit of a concern, with Venus and Uranus at odds. It’s not that you should hold back what you have to say, just take into consideration the reactions of others and be prepared for them. With the new moon in Virgo on September 17, you might find yourself longing for a different social scene. As the Sun aligns nicely with Saturn on the same day, look around your neighborhood. Is there a new yoga studio you could try out? Or an organized sports league you can join? Mercury starts up with Pluto on September 20 and it might feel uncomfortable to forge new relationships, but the reward is worth the risk.
You’ll be feeling more confident in the way you relate to others starting September 27, when the planet of communication Mercury comes into your sign. Use this cosmic boost while you can. With Mars in cahoots with Saturn during the last week of September, your schedule might become hectic. Make time for the people and activities that align with your future goals.
Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)
The full moon in Pisces on September 2 will put you on a whole new emotional playing field. Some exciting changes may be due at home. With Mercury influencing Venus and Saturn on the following day, you are beginning to see all the resources you have readily available to you. You are in the process of reconfiguring your day to day life. Mars will also be influencing Venus, and the party’s over. This may come as a shock, but there is such a thing as having too much fun.
This doesn’t mean you have to be a recluse. On the contrary, with Mercury’s move into Libra and Venus’s move into Cancer on September 6, this is a great time to connect with others and expand your view on a wide range of topics. The planets are just asking you to change the setting. Instead of hitting up your local bar, go for a hike or have philosophical conversations over some tea.
When Mars goes retrograde on September 9, you begin to see how your revelry gets in the way of reaching the financial status you’d like to achieve. With the Sun in a lovely aspect to your ruler Jupiter on the same day, it becomes clear that you’ve been letting your reputation hold precedence over your personal growth. Once you’re aware of the emotional toll this takes on you, you’ll start the transformation process, as your ruler Jupiter stations direct and the Sun makes the same aspect to Pluto around September 14.
With the new moon in Virgo on September 17, there may be an opportunity to advance your career, and ultimately boost your income with the Sun and Saturn also at play here. Mercury is in a harsh aspect to Jupiter as well, and it will be hard to say no when your drinking buddies start blowing up your phone. It’s not that you can’t be friends with them, but this upcoming weekend you should focus on your goals. W
ith the Sun’s move into Libra on September 22, and Mercury’s move into Scorpio on September 27, you are able to communicate this need for change to your social circles. With Mars egging Saturn for the remainder of the month, don’t give in to FOMO. Saturn just loves to test us, and there will be plenty of time to party once you are on top of your game. Just be sure that you have all your priorities straight.
Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)
It all starts with the full moon in Pisces on September 2, and you’re beginning to see your current environment in a new way. With Mercury aspecting both your ruler Saturn and Venus, it is important for you to foster relationships that motivate you. However, with Mars aspecting Venus too, you might find that your home life does not live up to this standard. And Mars wants to change that.
As Mercury moves into Libra, and Venus into Leo on September 6, you’ll be made aware of how others perceive you. When Mars goes retrograde on September 9, you aren’t happy with the dynamic in your home. It might be that you feel you have no support from your home base or that you are too reliant. Whatever end of the spectrum you fall on, with the Sun helping out Jupiter, it is apparent that you must do all in your power to integrate your core values with your life at home. When the Sun makes an aspect to Pluto on September 14, the transformation process will start to take place. Going through these motions isn’t easy, especially with Venus in an intense aspect to Uranus on the following day. The breaking down of walls is necessary to rebuild.
A new moon in Virgo on September 17 will bring in a dose of clarity surrounding your values. When you fully understand yourself, you take your personal power back as the Sun and Saturn blend their energies. With Mercury and Jupiter in a tight lock on the same day, stay away from worrying about how you will come off because of it. Those who truly care about you will accept you as you are.
As Virgo season draws to a close and the Sun moves into Libra on September 22, you have regained your footing and are sure of what direction you want your life to head in. When Mercury teases Saturn on the following day, you might be feeling overwhelmed with what it will take to live the dream. Mercury can be a trickster and Saturn loves to test you, so don’t give in to these icky feelings. Mars brings the heat on September 26, when he squares off with Saturn and this might leave you feeling frustrated because things at home aren’t moving in the direction you’d like. With Mercury’s move into Scorpio on September 27, get out of the house and enjoy your social life. Let the drama at home be for now.
Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19)
With the full moon in Pisces on September 2, a long-awaited payday could come your way. On the following day, you’re in the rare mood to share some secrets about yourself, with the Sun aspecting Uranus, your ruler, and Mercury in a stellar aspect to Venus. Mars is also involved, so be aware of how much you’re sharing and with whom. Something you confess now might become a hot topic among your colleagues. Don’t waste this truth serum alignment, just use your discretion when it comes to opening up.
As Mercury moves into Libra and Venus into Leo on September 6, it is all about relationships, and whether or not they’re intellectually stimulating. Your sign loves to be challenged. When Mars goes retrograde on September 9, think of this as a rebranding of your communication style. The Sun is getting along swimmingly with Jupiter, and you continue to discover some deep truths about yourself. The following week Venus makes a difficult alignment to Uranus, making you want to emotionally run and hide.
The new moon in Virgo on September 17 is asking you to face the deepest parts of yourself. With Mercury and Jupiter clashing on the same day, you might realize the outdated beliefs you’ve been clinging to. With the Sun and Saturn working together, you’ll find ways to officially purge what is limiting you. As the Sun moves into Libra on September 22, the reconfiguration of your beliefs is in full swing.
The consequences of oversharing from earlier this month might become apparent around September 26. Mercury moves into Scorpio and your reputation sector on the following day, making your damage control on point. Make sure you take time to contemplate the lesson you’ve learned through this situation. If you don’t, Saturn will be back with a vengeance and a harder lesson plan.
Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20)
September starts with a full moon in your sign, so pat yourself on the back for all the inner work you’ve done. On September 3 spare some time for romance, with Mercury and Venus aligning all weekend, the atmosphere is perfect for love. But with Mars also aspecting Venus, don’t feel like you have to do something lavish for your crush or lover. Your time and attention are what’s important.
As Venus moves into Leo on September 6, you’re focused on living a healthier lifestyle, and with Mercury’s move into Libra, you’re craving some more intimacy in your relationships. When Mars goes retrograde on September 9, you might realize your savings have taken a hit from all the summer fun. It’s not that you regret all those long summer nights, but with the Sun aspecting Jupiter, you’re grateful to have made some new friends. However, when the Sun opposes your ruler Neptune on September 11, you’re questioning the way you show up for the close relationships you’ve cultivated.
The following week Venus forms a tense alignment with Uranus on September 15 and your thinking about your personal wellness. You may be frustrated with the lack of fitness resources available in your local community. Get creative and find something that works for you at home. You’ll likely come up with the perfect solution under the new moon in Virgo two days later. With the Sun and Saturn in a supporting alignment, making workouts a group activity could boost your morale. Zumba party anyone?
Mercury gets involved with Pluto on September 20, and something you shared in private could come back to haunt you. When the Sun joins Mercury in Libra on September 22 you’ll be able to handle it swiftly. As Mercury aligns with Saturn the next day, you start to see the valuable lesson you can take away from this situation. And just like that, Mercury moves on to Scorpio on September 27, and your mind drifts too faraway places. It’s okay to take a vacay through your fantasies. As Mars faces off with Saturn to end the month, your social life and finances are at odds. Use your natural creativity to come up with activities that won’t break the bank.
Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20)
The first week of September is a juggling act. Your home, chores and job are all pulling you in different directions. On September 3, be sure to communicate with the folks at home to avoid unnecessary drama, thanks to an alignment between Mercury, Venus and your ruler Mars. The following week, the planets have a special delivery in the love department. Mercury transits into Libra on September 6 and will open up the lines of communication with those close to you. But the real blessing is Venus’s move into Leo on the same day. This could be the start of a new romance or add more electricity to an existing one.
When Mars goes retrograde in your sign on September 9, this is your small break from the chaos. Focus on ways to relax; adequate rest does wonders for your performance. On the same day, the Sun is beaming its energy towards Jupiter and a mental vacation is just what the doctor ordered. It’s very likely you’ll have some sort of breakthrough about a work project if you’d just stop obsessing over it.
You may be feeling recharged with the new moon in Virgo on September 17, so harness this energy for the rest of the month. While you’re ready to really throw yourself into the daily grind, remember your ruler is in retrograde. Slow down, there is no need to overwhelm yourself. The planets will do that for you. For the next week, Mercury will be making your business partnerships extra demanding. You could find yourself having some difficult conversations until September 24, so it’s important to think before you speak.
On September 26, Mars and Saturn will go head to head until the end of the month. Work will require even more of your time and energy, and you may have to restructure your entire routine because of it. While pressure at the office is mounting, it can be released in other areas of your life. Mercury moves into Scorpio and your sex house on September 27, and Venus is in a great aspect to Mars on the following day. Before the month is up, make sure you schedule some time to fulfill those primal needs.
Taurus (Apr 21 – May 20)
As September starts, your social life is booming, and it will be a very different tune by the end of the month, so get out there tiger! The full moon in Pisces on September 2 is calling you to connect. Say yes to every invitation you receive around this time. Just keep your guard up when it comes to mixing and mingling. Mercury is making you extra chatty, harmless gossip is fun and all but don’t spill any beans that aren’t yours. Mars is in a tense alignment with your ruler Venus, and you might unintentionally make someone very angry if your mouth has no filter.
On September 6 Mercury moves into Libra, and Venus into Leo making this a good time to spruce up your living quarters and productivity. If you give yourself a cozy environment to live and WFH in, you’ll feel revitalized. Mars starts his retrograde on September 9, and may prompt you to retreat from the world. With the Sun aspecting Jupiter, Pluto and Neptune in the following days this is a great time to dive deep into topics or activities that expand your mind.
On September 15, Venus and Uranus form a challenging angle, and this spells trouble at home. It’s likely that the people you live with or are close to don’t understand your current need for introspection. They’ll get over it, you don’t owe anyone an explanation. The new moon in Virgo on September 17 has you picking up an old hobby that still brings you joy—isolation is suiting you well.
The following week the Sun moves into Libra and your focus is moved to general wellness. Under the influence of Mercury, you’ll want to approach health in a new way and start to look into more holistic approaches. As the month draws to a close, Mars faces off with Saturn and it becomes apparent that you’re in a bit of a funk. While you’ve enjoyed this time to yourself, it may be time to rejoin society, or at least your close relationships. Mercury moves into this sector on September 27, and Venus hooks up with Mars on the following day. Reconnecting with them feels like coming home.
Gemini (May 21 – Jun 20)
You can’t help it if you’re popular. And with the full moon in Pisces on September 2, you certainly are! But you’re in the mood to go deep, and are only interested in those soul connections. With the Sun aspecting Uranus and your ruler Mercury harmonizing with Venus, it will be crystal clear who shares similar values and who does not. Mars also exerts his power in this alignment and if a friend is no longer of value, it’s okay to cut them off.
On September 6, Mercury moves into Libra and you just want to have fun. On the same day Venus moves into Leo, making you more charismatic, as if that were possible. But when Mars retrogrades on September 9, you will take off the rose-colored glasses. The current state of the world is striking you on a different cord, and you might feel yourself getting angry with the way things are playing out. As a sign that can be both selfish and selfless, you find yourself leaning towards the latter. As the Sun links with Jupiter, you’re inspired to take action.
The planet of love, Venus, finds herself in an entanglement with Uranus on September 15. You could blurt out an unsavory truth to someone you love and hurt their feelings in the process. Two days later, the new moon in Virgo is your emotional reset button from the cosmos. It’s not fun, but Mercury is clashing with Jupiter, so you’re going to have to reach out and ask for forgiveness. Groveling may be involved, but only for a week or so.
The month ends with Mars and Saturn teaming up to cause some trouble on September 26. It may deeply upset you that your comrades don’t want to get involved in causes you care about. The lesson here is that no matter how charismatic you may be, you can’t change the minds of others. Focus your energy on being the change. With Mercury’s move into Scorpio on September 27, lead by example and others will follow.
Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22)
September 2020 Horoscopes: VirgoWith the full moon in Pisces on September 2 you’re feeling extra spiritual. This is actually a great time to get involved with others when it comes to your practices. The Sun aspecting Uranus supports open conversations when it comes to spirituality. However, with Mars and Venus at odds, someone could attack you for your beliefs. Thankfully Mercury is enhancing Venus, and you can respond with love and a clear mind.
On September 6 you could find yourself wanting to invest time and money into your home, as Mercury moves into Libra, and Venus into Leo. This is a good time to give your living quarters that infamous Cancer TLC. When Mars goes retrograde on September 9, your work life will slow down allowing you to spend extra time curating your dream home (or apartment).
Around September 15, be sure to set clear boundaries between your friendships and your bank account. You don’t have to say yes to every dinner invitation or other extravagant outings. Be open and upfront about it. Your real friends aren’t going to think less of you because you can’t foot the bill right now. The new moon in Virgo on September 17 calls for a fresh start. If a relationship with a sibling has been strained, this is the perfect moment to reconcile. Yes, it can be emotional and difficult to open up with Mercury and Jupiter in a harsh position. However, with the Sun and Saturn here too, there is a valuable lesson to be learned.
On September 26, Mars starts up Saturn, and you’ll be reconfiguring how you approach business relationships. In what ways can you be more aggressive? With Mercury’s move into Scorpio, your words will have a playful spin. You can be direct in your communications, without coming off as harsh or pushy.
Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 22)
The full moon in Pisces on September 2 could bring an unexpected pay-out from an outside source. Before you go out and blow it all, invest it in yourself. With the Sun’s formation to Uranus, it is wise to invest in something to help further your career. A new laptop or a master class, good. Steak and lobster dinner for your 10 closest friends, bad. With Mercury and Venus involved, you’ll be glad it was put to good use.
On September 6 Mercury moves into Libra, and Venus into your sign. With these two working their magic, this is basically like a second Leo season. Mercury is in your house of communications, and you have the power to talk anyone into anything. With Venus in your sign, you’re a magnet for love and adoration. (You naturally are, but Venus turns up the volume!) As Mars goes retrograde on September 9, you’ll be questioning if your standards are too high. This corner of your mind might need some serious rehashing. The Sun blends energies with Jupiter and Neptune for the rest of the week. This is prime time to do an audit of what constitutes your self-worth.
On September 15 Venus is in a challenging alignment with Uranus, creating an unexpected roadblock in your career trajectory. Don’t linger or start to feel down, just rise to the occasion and keep it moving. With the new moon in Virgo, and the Sun working in tandem with Saturn, they’ll be a fresh start in your work life on September 17.
As the month draws to a close, the Sun’s move into Libra on September 22 has you exploring your local atmosphere for something new and exciting. As Mercury moves into Scorpio on September 27, your words become infused with emotion. If your daily routine doesn’t match with your desired way of life, Mars and Saturn will inspire you to rearrange some priorities so that it does. Don’t get discouraged if things don’t feel any different right away. Saturn likes to take his sweet time.
That’s all for your September 2020 horoscopes. Tune in next month for October for more autumn 2020 horoscopes!
About the Author/s
A writer and astrologer, sustained by iced coffee, sunsets and decorating her home. For more on her services and where her insights can be found, visit